C 7 2° )
LICHEN triftis,
Dark radiated Dicken.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Shrubby, branched, fomewhat com-
prefted, folid, blackith ; the branches acute.
Shields of the fame colour, flattifh, radiated.
Syn. Lichen triftis. Weber. Gotting. 209. t. 5 .
With. 43. Hull. 305.
L. radiatus. Hudf. 559. Dickf. H. Sicc.fafc. 9. 25.
L. corniculatus. Light/. 885.
Cornicularia triftis. Hoffm. Pi. Lieh. t. 34. ƒ. 1.
Coralloides corniculatum, Fuci tenuioris facie. Dill.
Muß. 118. /. 17. ƒ 37.
NATIVE of alpine micaceous rocks in Scotland, Wales,
Weftmoreland, and Devonfhire. It grows in denfe tufts, con-
lifting of numerous, upright, branched or forked Items, of a
blackifh brown, inclining to olive when wet, paler in the lower
part or where Iheltered from light. All the branches are folid,
a little comprefled, pointed, fometimes warty. The fhields terminate
the original ftem, and are not only furmounted by numerous
branches, but their margin itfelf is alfo radiated with
fharp irregular points. Their difk is flattifh, fmooth, of the
fame colour as the reft of the plant, or if any thing rather blacker
and more polifhed.
Profeflor Hoffman’s figure is taken from a fmaller and younger
fpecimen than ours, and does not fo well exprefs the ufual colour
and habit as moll of his admirable plates. We follow him
in retaining the original fpecific name triftis, firft given by