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FUCUS kaliformis<
Saltwort Fucus*.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced in cluftered tubercle’s^
which burft at their fummits.
Spec. Char. Frond cylindrical, rather gelatinous^
tubular, much branched. Branchés fcattered : thé
ultimate ones partly whorled, awlfhaped, bluntim.
Syn. Fucus kaliformis. Gooden. & tVoodw. T r. o f
Linn, Soc. v . 3 . 2,0 6 . /, 1 8 . Withi v . 4 . 8 9 .
Hull. 3 2 5 -
M r . WOODWARD firft afcertained this as a new fpecieS-
from fpecimens found on the beach at Yarmouth. Mr. D,
Turner and Mr, Sowerby deteCled the fame growing at Falmouth
in June, when the fructification Was obfèrved to be in
perfection. Mr. Stackhoufe gathered it.at Weymouth.
The frond is fixed to the rocks by a fmall callous expanfiony
and rifes commonly to 6 inches or more in height, being much
branched, round, hollow, various in thicknefs, in fubftance
tender and almoft gelatinous, in colour of a pale tranfparent
reddifh brown, approaching to a flefh-colour. The branches
in general grow without any order, the fubdivifions of them
only being oppofite or often whorled. Thefe laft are fhorty
awlfhaped, blunt, conftriCted here and there as if obfcurely
jointed, and bear the fruit in fmall prominent round tubercles.
It is an elegant fpecies, and very much refembles the form of
a Salfola or Salicornia.