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L I C H E N uncialis.
Short perforated Lichen
C R Y P T O G AM I A Alga.
Gen. Char. Male, {battered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Shrubby, tubular, perforated j the little
branches very fhort and pointed.
S y n . Lichen uncialis. Linn. Sp. PI. 1621. Hud/.
FI. An. 555. With. Bot. Arr. V. 3, 218. Relh.
Cant. 439.
Lichenoides tubulofum, cauliculis mollioribus &
craffioribus, majus & minus. Rail Syn. 67.
Coralloides perforatum majus, molle & craffum.
Dill. Mufc. 98. t. 16. ƒ. 21— & minus, molle
& tenue. Ibid. 99, f . 22.
L ic h e n uncialis is found on heaths nearly as common as
rangiferinus, from which it differs in being much lefs branched,
and not tufted ; the branches are fhorter and awl-fhaped, the
terminal ones brown, and forming a fort of radiated crown, of
fometimes 6 or 8 points. The perforations at the divarications
of the item are very wide, and feldom wanting ; whereas in
rangiferinus they are fcarcely (if at all) to be found. The
fructifications are very minute tubercles at the tips of the little
brown terminal branches.
This plant varies in height from 1 to 2 inches, as well as in
thicknefs ; hence the different fpecies and varieties of authors.
Sometimes it has a few fcaly leaves on the ftem, and is much
branched, fee Mr. Hudfon’s variety y---- -perhaps the laft may
be a diftinct fpecies.'