Y Y [ 1088 ]
LICHEN chryfophthalmus.
Golden-eyed Lichen.
Gen. CHAR. M a le , fc a t te re d warts . F em a le , fm o o th
lh ie ld s o r tu b e r c le s , in w h ich th e feeds are im b
e d d e d .
S p e c . Char. L e a fy , b ran ch e d , u p r ig h t , y e llow ifh -
g r e y , lin e a r , to o th ed and fr in g e d . S h ie ld s o ra n g e -
c o lo u r e d , rad ia ted . 6
. L ic h e n ch r y fo p h th a lm u s . Linn. Mant. u i .
■debar. Prod. 181 . Dick/. Dr. PI. 2.1 .
L . p u lm o n a r iu s , m in im u s , fu b lu te u s , re c ep ta cu lis
n o rum co ro n a tis , m a li au ran tii co lo ris . Mich. Gen
75- *• 36. ƒ 4- D ill. Mufc. 74. t. 13. / 1 7 .
P la t ifm a a rm a tum . Hoffm. PI. Lich. t. 36. f 1.
POOR fifherman from whom Mr. Sowerby has often received
Ihells and other natural produftions from the Weft of
England, laft year brought him fpecimens of this Lichen from
the branches of apple-trees in Devonlhire. No perfon has
before obferved it in Britain; but we make no fcruple to
admit it on this authority, as it may have been overlooked
among the varieties of L . parietinus growing on trees; to
which however it has no other affinity than the colour of its
lhields, being of the fame natural tribe as L . Prunajlri, 8cc.
Its lingular beauty when examined cannot fail to attract admiration.
The linear, branched fronds are feldom an inch
high, elegantly laciniated and fringed, pale grey, more or lefs
tinged with yellow. Shields numerous, terminal, rather concave,
of a rich orange-colour, furrounded with a fringed border
of the colour of the leaf. Hoffmann’s P. denudatum, t. 31.
ƒ . U is only a variety without the fringe. Micheli firft found
this Lichen on pear-trees at Florence, and Dillenius merely
copies his name and figure. It grows in the South of France,
and at the Cape of Good Hope.