
[ l I 1 9 ]
L I C H E N aphthofus«.
Thrujli Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, lcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Leathery, fpreading, roundly lobed,
fmooth, green, fprinkled with brown warts;
beneath fibrous, flightly veined. Shields on narrow
afcending lobes, anterior, roundifh, reddifh.
Syn . Lichen aphthofus. Linn. Sp. PI. 1616. Hudf.$47,
With. v. 4. 70. Hull. 299. Lightf 847.
Lichenoides digitatum laete virens, verrucis nigris
notatum. Dill. Mufc. 207. /. 28. ƒ. xo6.
Peltigera aphtofa. Hoffm. PI. Lich. t. 6. f . x.
W E have. received this from our often-mentioned friends
Mr. Relhan, Mr. Harriman, and Mr. D. Turner. It is found
only in alpine rocky Ihady places, growing on the ground under
firs or juniper bufhes. Having never feen a Britifh fpecimen
in fruit, we have been obliged to delineate a fhield gathered
in Savoy, where the plant is more luxuriant than in this country.
T h e fro n d s fpread c ircu la rly from 3 to 6 inche s in d iam e te r,
c u t in to feveral round lobes. T h e ir u p p e r fide is o f a moft
b e au tifu l fh in in g grafs g re en , (w h ic h tu rn s b row n in d ry in g ,)
fp rin k led w ith fmall d a rk -b row n w a rts, h a v in g fom e th in g o f
th e appea ranc e o f fhields o r tu b erc le s. T h e tru e fhields grow
o n o b lo n g u p rig h t n a rrow lobes, fp rin g in g from th e frond n e a r
th e m a rg in , an d are large , concave, o f a b rig h t c h e fn u t-co lo u r,
e n c irc le d w ith a d ow n y in d ex ed jag g e d b o rd e r. T h e u n d e r
fide o f th e fro n d is c lo th ed w ith denfe b la c k woolly roots,
ex c ep t towa rds th e m a rg in , w he re it is lig h t b row n an d befet
w ith little tu fted b row n radic le s. I t is abfurd to fuppofe th is ,
a s fome h av e d o n e , a variety o f L. caninus.
Linnaeus fays the Swedifh peafants boil this Lichen in milk
as a cure for the aphtha or thrufh in children.