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L I C H E N cretaceus.
C h a l k L i c h e n .
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts. Female, fmooth
fhields or tubercles, in which the feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft lobed, ftellated, dark-olive. Shield
central, folitary, elevated, brownith-flefh-coloured,
with a paler elevated entire border.
" W E believe this curious little Lichen to liave hitherto remained
undefcribed. Though very common on chalk, as well as
on the white coating of flint ftones, over which it is fcattered in
the form of minute olive-coloured or blackifli ftars, it is feldom
found in fru£tification, to which mull be attributed its having
fo long remained in obfcurity. Our peffeft fpecimens were
gathered on chalk by Dr. Noehden, and Mr. Gotobed of Eton.
Few of them exceed the diameter of a large pin’s head, and are
compofed of a fpreading lobed prominent cruft, in whofe centre,
when the plant is in perfe&ion, ftands a very confpicuous elevated
fhield, of a pale reddifh brown, or rather a brown flefti-
colour, fomewhat turbinate, fmooth; its difk concave, fur-
rounded with a paler, elevated, fmooth and entire border.