LICHEN radiatus.
Radiated Cup Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Sp e c . Ch a r . Cup-shaped, somewhat cartilaginous,
greenish white. Stalks elongated, slender, powdery.
Cups irregularly radiated, their points tipped with
small acute reddish tubercles.
Syn. Lichen radiatus. Schreb. Lips. 122. Ach. Prod.
1 9 0 . With. v. 4. 38. Hull. 303. Sibth. 333.
L. pyxidatus g. Huds. 555.
Baeomyces radiatus. Ach. Meth. 342.
Coralloides- scyphiforme comutum. Dill. Muse. 92.
t. 15. f . 16. _________
COMMUNICATED from Norfolk by Mr. Turner. It grown
in shady woods, on the ground. The crust consists of little
greenish leaves, which are sometimes scattered about the lower
part of the stalks, like small scales. Stalks about two inches
high, slender, cylindrical, hollow, simple or slightly branched,
of a substance rather cartilaginous than leathery, most brittle
when wet, of a greenish, rather than greyish, white; their
surface always powdery. Cups tapering, rude and irregular,
composed of nearly upright radiating sharp points, each of
which is tipped with a minute reddish acute tubercle, approaching
in our specimens to scarlet, but turning to a red
brown by age. Some branches of the plant are simple, bearing
only one tubercle.