LICHEN furfuraceus.
Branny Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, icattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Leafy, leathery, decumbent, laciniated
and forked ; convex, greenifh-grey and powdery
above; concave,rugged and black beneath. Shields
fcattered, inflated, reddifh-brown, with a thin in-
flexed edge.
Syn. Lichen furfuraceus. Linn. Sp. PI. 1 6 1 2 .
Hudf. 5 3 9 . With. v . 4 . 5 6 . Hull. 2 9 7 . Lightf.
8 3 2 . Achar. Prod. 1 7 3 .
Lichenoides cornutum amarum, superne c inereum
inferne nigrum. Dill.M ufc., 1 5 7 . t. 2 1 . ƒ. 5 2 .
LlCHENfurfuraceus is to be found in the moft mountainous
cqunties only, and there not frequently. It grows on the trunks
of trees, old pales, &c., but feems to prefer rocks of granite or
fandy grit, as in the fpecimens now before us fent by the
Rev. Mr. Harriman. The fructification is extremely rare, and
feveral authors confefs they have never feen it.
The fronds grow loofely fpreading or decumbent in large
roundifh tufts, and are much branched and repeatedly forked,
various in breadth, ending in fharp reddifh points. The
upper furface is convex, greenifh-grey, all over powdery ; the
under concave, rugged or plaited, not powdery, black, having
in many parts a blue or purplifh tinge. Shields attached to
the upper furface, elevated, concave or inflated, with a thin inflexed
edge; their difk is brown; their outfide grey and mealy ,
like the fronds.
ProfefTor Hoffmann in his Vlantee Eichenofee t. 9 . f 3 . gives
an excellent reprefentation of the plant in a dry ftate.