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T U*C U S Phyllitis.
H a r t’s-tongue Fucus.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced in clustered tubercles,
which burst at their summits.
Spec. Char. F ron d membranous, v e ry thin, simple,
linear-lanceolate, entire, without a rib. S ta lk short
and compressed.
Syn. F u cu s phyllitis. Slackh. 1. 9. Turn. Syn. 193.
With. v. 4. 10 0. Hull. 329.
F . saccharinus (2. Light/. 941.
F . phyllitidis folio. Dill, in Raii Syn. 40.
M r . TURNER has favoured1 us with specimens of this
hitherto very obscure species from Yarmouth. We are therefore
certain of its being what he intended, and we cannot feel
much doubt of the synonyms of Dillenius and Lightfoot.
It is found growing on the stems of larger plants of the same
genus cast up on the beach, but not frequently. The root
consists of a few short, soft, compressed, fleshy fibres. Stalk
scarcely an inch long, compressed and soft. Frond linear-lanceolate,
tapering at each end, flat, entire, a little waved, about
a foot long, of a delicate light green, without rib or veins, very
thin and membranous; in which circumstance it differs so
much from all the varieties and different states of F. saccharinus
as to seem well entitled to be ranked as a distinct species. The
fructification has not yet been observed.