
C 373 ]
n 8 L I C H E N byfloides.
Brown Mujhroom Lichen.
C R Y P T OGAM IA Algor.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts..
Female, fmooth Shields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Cruft leprous, granulated, greenifh white.
Tubercles on foot-ftalks, nearly globular, reddilh
- Syn. Lichen byfloides. Linn. Mant. 133. Lightf. Scot.
809. Hudf. FI. An. 527 ? With. Bot. Arr. v. 3.
163. Relh. Cant. Suppl. 1. 22.
L. rufus. Hudf. FI. An. 527. With. Bot. Arr. v. 3.
171- Retz. Scand. 274.
L . fungiformis. Weh. Gott. 196. Sikh. Ox. 322.
Lichenoides fungiforme terreftre, capitulis fufcis. Rail
Syn. 70.
Coralloides fungiforme faxatile, pallide fufcum. Dill.
Mufc. 78. t. 14. ƒ. 3.
p Fungi parvi globofi, ex ungue equino putrefcente
enati. Rail Syn. 13. t. 1. f . 4.
Coralloides fungiforme ex ungula equina livide ru-
befcens. Dill. Mufc. 78. t. 14. ƒ. 5.
T H E cruft is much like that of the preceding, thinner when
it grows on ftones than when on the ground, which laft is its
rnoft general fituation. Our fpecimens came from Epping fo-
reft, Hornfey wood, and a moor near Glafgow. The tubercles
are brown, more or 'lefs reddilh, convex, and fometimes
quite globular, elevated on whitifli, cylindrical or compreffed
(fometimes furrowed), footftalks, fo that they refemble a minute
Agaric or Boletus. Sometimes 2 or more Hand on the
fame footftalk.
We have been at fome pains to inveftigate the fynonyms of
this fpecies, and think there can be no doubt of thofe above
quoted. There feems to be no difference between the rufus and
byjfoides of Mr. Hudfon, except a greater or lefs convexity of the
tubercles^ which is no effential diftinftion. The rufus Hands
right in his ill edition, with the proper fynonym of Dillenius ;
but in the 2d edition he has quoted 14. f . 2, of the fame
author, which is one of the Lichenes pyxidati, as appears by its
leafy bafe, referring fig. 4 and 5, properly enough indeed, to
the L. byjfoides of Linnaeus, which he thought it neceffary to
admit into this 2d edition. We are not without a fufpicion
that Hudfon might confider as L. byjfoides the Mucor lichenoides
of Linnaeus, which he has under that name in his ill edition,
but not in the 2d. If fo, he Ihould have quoted Dill. ƒ. 3. This is
a true Lichen, of which we hope one day to give a representation.
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