[ 1966 ]
F U C U S Brodiaei.
Brodiean Fucus.
Y 5
Gen. Char. Seeds produced in clustered tubercles,
which burst at their summits.
Spec. Char. Stalk cylindrical, branched. Leaflets
' membranous, oblong, simple or forked, proliferous,
without ribs. Tubercles spherical, sessile about
the summits of the leaves.
Syn. Fucus Brodisei. Turn. Hist. Fucor. v. 2. 2. t. 72.
F o R this rare Fucus we are obliged to the Earl of Seaforth,
who gathered it on the Scottish coast at Lossiemouth, from
whence the same species had previously been sent to Mr.
Turner by our often-mentioned friend and patron Mr. Brodie
of Brodie. He is justly commemorated in the specific name, as
the discoverer of many new British plants, not to mention
his extensive knowledge and zeal as a practical botanist and
cultivator, for which reasons I had the pleasure of naming
a new genus Brodicea last March in a paper communicated
to the Linnaean Society. It is a liliaceous plant, with
internal petals like Tulbaghia.
Fucus Brodicei is next akin to the memlranifolms, from
which Mr. Turner first distinguished it. The leaflets are more
elongated, especially in their lower part, though somewhat
wedge-shaped upward, and are moreover proliferous. The
tubercles are very different, being sphasricak, sessile or rather
innate at the summits of the leaflets, which occasionally throw
out new leaflets beyond them. The coating of each tubercle
consists of articulated fibres, as in F. Griffithsitz, t. 1926,
but no separate spots, composed of such fibres, have been
observed in this as in F. memlranifolms, t. 1965.