LICHEN cycloselis.
Orbicular Dusky Lichen.
G en; Ch a r . Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
S pec . Ch a r . Imbricated, depressed, stellated, glaucous
brown ; underneath black and fibrous; its
segments linear, flatfish, cut and lobed, bearing
white mealy warts. Shields brownish-black, with
a grey, inflexed border.
Syn. Lichen cycloselis. Ach. Prod. 1 1 3 .
L. orbicularis. Hoffm. Enum.68. t. 9 .ƒ . 1. Schrad.
Spicil. 9 6 .
Placodium orbiculare. Hoffm. PI. Lich. v. -3. 16. t. 66.
f 1'.
Parmelia cycloselis. Ach. Meth. 199.
T h o u g h none of our British authors has described this
Lichen, it is very distinct, and by no means uncommon. We
first noticed it on large trees in Mr. Crowe’s garden at Laken-
ham, afterwards at Seething, Norfolk, and on old pales at
Gisleham,. Suffolk. Mr. Borrer finds it in Sussex, Mr. Turner
about Yarmouth, as mentioned in the Bot. Guide 455, &c.
Its colour is a dusky grey, verging sometimes to a greenish
olive, sometimes to an olive brown. The fronds grow circularly,
an inch or more in diameter, very flat except in advanced
age; their segments closely imbricated and entangled,
linear, narrow, cut and subdivided, sometimes a little convex,
but mostly flat or concave. The under side is covered
with dense black fibres, projecting beyond the edges. Numerous
mealy warts stand on the edges of the segments,
always nearly white, or pale greenish grey. Shields small,
blackish or dark brown, with a thick inflexed pale grey border,
crenate when old. They are not fringed underneath as in the
foreign L . ulothrix.
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