C R T P TO G A M I A Alga.
Gen. Char. Male, {battered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Imbricated. Leaves crifped, obtufe,
orange-coloured, whitifh beneath. Shields deep
orange, with a paler entire margin.
Syn. Lichen parietinus. Linn. Sp. PI. 1610. HudJ.
FI. An. 533. With. Bot. Arr. Vol. 3. 186. Relh.
Cant. 428. Silth. Oxon. 326. Light/. Scot. 822.
Lichenoides crufta foliofa fcutellata, flavefcens. Raii
Syn. 72.
L. vulgare finuofum, foliis et fcutellis luteis. Dill.
Mujc. 180. tab. 24.ƒ. 76.
(3. Lichen juniperinus. HudJ. FI. An. 542. With.
Bot. Arr. V. 3- 197. Light/. Scot. 836.
T h i s is common every where, and at all feafons, on walls,
Hones, trunks of trees, pofts, &c. The more it is expofed to
the fun, the deeper is its orange colour. Moifture and fhade
render it more lax, leafy, and of a greenilh or pale olive hue.
So it molt commonly appears on trees and bufhes. This we
have marked as a variety (0) and it is the L. juniperinus of our
Britifh writers, though by no means that of Linnaeus.
The under fide is white, efpecially towards the centre, and
adheres to bodies on which it grows by white fibres. The di-
vifions of the frond are more or lefs imbricated, often wrinkled,
and fometimes powdery. The fhields numerous, their difk
either deep orange or brownifh. Lightfoot fays this Lichen will
dye yellow. Helwing formerly afierted that when moiftened
it would ftain paper or linen of a beautiful and lafting flefh-
colour, a property which Dillenius could not difcover, and
which we have locked for repeatedly in vain.