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F U C U S ovalis.
O v a l - l e a v e d F u c u s .
Gen. Cha R.. Seeds produced in cluttered tubercles,
which burft at their fummits.
Spec. Char. Stem round, branched, rather rigid.
Leaves oval, very flefhy.
St n . F ucus ovalis. Iludf. 573. With. v . 3. 112.
Hull. 3 16 . Gooden. & Woodw. in Limn. Tranf. v. 3.
FATHERED laft fummer at Weymouth by Mr. D. Turner
and Mr. Sowerby. It grows on fubmarine rocks, and
is probably to be found only on the fouthern coaft of England,
for it is fuppofed what Mr. Hudfon had from Scarborough
might be the vermicularis of Liphtfoot.
Fucus ovalis grows to the height of 3 or 4 inches, with a
varioufly-branched round Item. Leaves irregularly fcattered,
moft cluttered in the upper part, fpreading_every way, fettile or
flightly ftalked; their form cylindrical, but fwelling into an
oval, more or lefs blunt; their fubftance very flefhy and gelatinous
j their colour, like that of the whole plant, a reddifh
pale brown. The fructification is fcattered in tubercles over
the furface of the leaf, which project, and are of a darker
colour; after the difperfion of the feeds they are fcarcely prominent
at all.
F. botryoides, defcribed by Wulfen in Jacq. Coll. v. 3 , 146.
t- I3 •/• L comes very near this fpecies, and perhaps is only a
variety of it with Ihorter and blunter leaves.