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L I C H E N globiferas.
Globe Lichen.
C R T P T OG A M l A Alge.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fliields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec.Char. Shrubby,folid, much branched, cylindrical,
brownilh, and polilhed. Shields terminal, globular,
producing a ball of black conglutinated powder.
Syn. Lichen globiferus. Linn. Mont. .133. .
L. globofus. HudJ.Fl. An. ed. 1. 460.
L. fragilis ß . Hudf. FI. An. ed. 2. 558. With. Bot.
Arr. 215.
Lichenoides non tubulofum, ramulis fcutellis nigris
terminatis. Rati Syn. 66? See L. fragilis (114).
Coralloides cupreffiforme, capitulis globofis. Dill.
Muß. 117. /. 17. f . 35.
A Native of mountainous rocky heaths, very abundant in
Scotland, Wales, and on Cromford moor near Matlock.
This fpecies forms tufts by far lefs denfe than thofe of L.
fragilis, from which it is very diltinCt, though much refembling
it; and the flowering Items are abundantly produced, riling
but little above the others. Its whole furface is polilhed and
lhining, greyilh when wet, brown when dry, the branches
tipped with white. The Items and branches are cylindrical,
not comprefied; and the fructifications perfectly globular, not
flattened, opening by a fmall irregular orifice. They are fcarcely
ever furmounted by lateral ramifications ; and in the bottom of
their cavity (which never expands) is a round mafs of black
powder, probably the feeds.
How far the powdery fructification and lingular habit of this
and the preceding might entitle them to be confidered as a dif-
tinft genus from real Lichens, botanilts are at prefent too little
acquainted with the tribe to determine.