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L I C H E N rangiferinlls.
Rein-deer Lichen.
C R T P TO G A M I A Alga.
GESCHAH. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Shrubby, tubular, very much branched,
and hoary ; the little branches divaricated and
Sy n . Lichen rangiferinus. Linn, Sp. PL 1620. HudJ,
FI. An. 557. With. Bot. Arr. V. 3. 216. Relht
Cant. 4 3 8 .
Lichenoides tubulofum ramofiffimum, fruticuli
fpecie, candicans. Rail Syn. 66.
Coralloides montanum fruticuli fpecie ubique candicans,
Dill. Mufc, 1 0 7 . 1.1 6 .ƒ. 29.— & C. frutic.
fpecie candicans, corniculis rufefcentibus, ibid.
11 0 . t. 1 6 . ƒ. 3 0 .
T h is mofs, the chief clothing of the northern alpine
tracts of Lapland, is found every where on our heaths, but in
a lefs luxuriant ftate than farther north. The numerous herds
pf rein-deer, in which confifts the only riches of the fimple
fequeftered Laplander, are entirely dependent on it for their
winter food. It there grows at leaf! a foot high, covering the
ground like fnow. With us it feldom attains the height of 6
inches, and is generally much lefs.
The fpecies is eafily known by its branched and tufted figure.
Its furface is hoary, or rough with minute warts. It is tubular
within, and the Item thin and brittle when very dry or very wet.
.Dillenius juftly fays, it is not perforated at the divarications.
Hagen (quoted by Mr. Relhan) mentions the contrary. The
variety 0 of Hudfon, called fylvaticus (fig. 30 of Dillenius), is 9
trifling one, having reddilh or brownifh tips, which colour
fometimes occurs in other parts of the plant. The fructification
is not common. It confifts of brown tubercles.