L I C H E N pafchalis.
Crifp Lichen.
C R Y P T O G A M I A Alge.
G en. C har. Male, feattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Shrubby, folid, clothed with minute
crullaceous leaves. Tubercles terminal, prominent.
S yn. Lichen pafchalis. Linn. Sp. PL 1621. HudJ.
F t. An. 338. With. Bot. Afr. V. 3. 216.
Lichenoides non tubulofum cinereum ramofum,
totum cruftaceum. Raii Syn. 66.
Coralloides crifpum & botryforme Alpinum. PUL
Muß. 114.7. 17.ƒ. 33,
T H IS fare and elegant Lichen grows on the higheft
mountains of Wales, Weftmoreland and Scotland, chiefly on
micaceous rocks. Dr. Smith in his Tour, vol. 2. 113, lias flhewn
this fpecies to be the fir ft beginning of vegetation' on lava, and,
from its being generally if not always found With us irr mica,
prefumes it to be peculiarly attached to a volcanic foil. We
have been favoured with a recent fpecimen from which this
figure was taken, by the friendfhip of Mr. Edward Robfon of
The root and Items are very ftrong and woody, the latter
growing, either ereft or decumbent, in thick tufts 5 they are
very much branched, naked at the bafe, roundifh and folid,
clothed in their upper part with fmall, lobed, crifped leaves, of
a greenifti grey when wet, whitifh and very fragile when dry.
The tubercles are terminal, either folitary orcluftefed, globofe,
folid, entire or lobed, on fhort foot-ftalks, brown or olive-coloured.
We have reprefented a feparate branch magnified.