L I C H E N lævigatus,
Even Grey Lichen.
CRYPT0GAM1A Algce. .
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Leafy, slightly imbricated, greyish white,
very smooth even and veinless, with terminal w arts;
its segments linear and a cu te : black and shaggy beneath,
Shields chesnut.
. HIS elegant and remarkable Lichen, of which we can meet
with no description nor figure, was discovered on rocks in
Anglesea and Caernarvonshire, by our often-mentioned friend
the Rev. Hugh Davies, to whom alone we are indebted for
It forms loose flat patches. The fronds are loosely imbricated,
entangled with mosses, &c., cut into narrowish, linear,
though somewhat dilated and fan-shaped, segments, whose
terminal lobes are divaricated and acute. The upper surface
is of a pale whitish unchangeable grey, peculiarly smooth and
even, without veins, pits, or warts, the latter only occurring,
of large size, at the ends of some of the lobes. The under
surface is black, shaggy with strong, branched, coal-black
hairs. Shields scattered, not large, concave, chesnut-coloured,
with a smooth border like the crust. They easily break, from
age or accident.
It seems to us that this species has more natural affinity to
physodcs, t. 126, than to tiliaceus, t. 7Q0, mxutilisx t. 603,
or perlatus, t. 341.