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L I C H E N pulmonarius.
Lungw ort Lichen.
C R Y P T O G AM 1 4 Alga.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char . Leafy, laciniated, obtufe, fmooth ; above
green and pitted, tbmewhat reticulated; downy
beneath. Shields moftly marginal.
Syn. Lichen pulmonarius. Linn. Sp. PI. 1612.
Hudf. 542. With. v. 4. 54* Relb. 432. Sibth. 331.
Abbot. 267.
Lichenoides peltatum arboreum maximum. Rail
Syn. 7 6 .
L. pulmoneum reticulatum vulgare, marginibus
peltiferis. Dill. Mufc. 212. t. 29. ƒ. 113.
Pulmonaria reticulata. Hoffm. PI. Lich. t. i . f . 2.
J1.VVTIOST plentiful in the northern or mountainous countries,
where it clothes the trunks of large trees with a rich leafy
garment. The fronds grow a little imbricated, but confiderably
raifed from the bark into which their roots .are inferted. They
are leathery, green, deeply divided, irregularly and bluntly
lobed, ftrongly pitted, the interftices forming a kind of net,
work, which towards tha. margin of the frond is powdery or
warty, bearing the fuppofed pollen, The under fide is downy,
bliftered, pale, with a correfpondent network of brown veins.
Shields for the mofl part marginal, but not always; they are
nearly feffile, flat, chefnut-coloured, with an elevated, fmooth,
green border. They are found at all times of the year, and in
tolerable plenty.
This Lichen is ufed on the Continent not unfupcefsfully, in
a deco&ion with milk, to cure coughs. It is bitter, aftringent
and mucilaginous, and promotes expectoration, much like
Pohgala vulgaris, t. 76 , which it is faid to refemble in tafle.
I t feems to be an inftance of a foolifh principle having led to
truth, for it was firft ufed to cure coughs becaufe its figure re-
fembled the lungs. §0 the Orchis tribe were ufed as ftimulants
for a peculiar purpofe, on account of the fhape of their roots.
Like many other Lichens it dies wool brown; fome fay of a
dpep orange.
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