? r [ 858 ]
LICHEN aleurites,
Mealy Spreading Lichen.
Qen. C har; Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded,
Spec. Char. Membranous, imbricated, fpreading,
rugged, grayith-white, mealy ; beneath gray and
fibrous ; the fegments lobed, crifped and notched.
Shields elevated, reddifh-brown, with a white,
notched, narrow border.
SyN. Lichen aleurites. Achgr. Prodr. 117.
L. diffufus. Dick/. Crypt, fafc. 3. 17. t. 9. ƒ 6.
With. v. 4. 3a. Hull. 294,
Lobaria diffufa. Hoffm. FI. Germ. v. 1. 156.
T h e prefent "Lichen was difcovered in England by Mr.
Dickfon on the park pales of Croft Caftle, Herefordfhire, a
plaffical fpot for botany, fince Dillenius has fo often mentioned
jt. Mr. D. Turner afterwards met with the fame on Lord
Rous’s pales at Henham, Suffolk; and Dr. G. H. Noehden
found near Windfor the fine fpecimen here delineated. We
are obliged to refign the name of diffufus, the plant fo called
originally by Weber appearing, by authentic German fpeci-
mens, to be a very different fpecies.
The fronds fpread rather loofely over old dead wood, attached
by fmall fibres, fomewhat imbricated. Their fubftance is
thin; their furface mealy, rugged, ef a pale brownifh or
yellowifh gray; their margin lobed, laxly elevated, crenate,
fmooth. The centre of the plant in time becomes a congeries
of powdery lumps and fwellings, without any leafy appearance.
The fhields are of various fizes, round when young,
afterwards irregular, and frequently lobed, elevated on confide
rable ftalks ; their difk flat, fmooth, of a rufty or chefnut
brown; their margin narrow, a little elevated, white, irregularly
notched, indexed.
J d ttrck. f. f& o f. JSkf&fo&t/ i j f .7ad Jirw erby, ÀLanddits.