K i t [ 1924 ]
LICHEN marginalis.
Marginal Gelatinous Lichen.
G e n . C h a r . M a le , s c a tte r e d w a rts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
S p e c . C h a r . Gelatinous, imbricated, olive-black; its
lobes linear, parallel, zigzag, channelled, crisped,
crenate, branched, smooth. Shields marginal, dark
reddish brown, with an entire border.
S y n . Lichen marginalis. Buds. 534. Ach. Prod. 127.
With. v. 4. 34. Bull. 295.
Lichenoides gelatinosum fuscum, jacobasse maritimse
divisurfl. Dill. Muse. 140. t. 19. f . 25.
Parmelia melasna /2. Ach. Meth. 241.
W e have this from Mr. Hudson’s herbarium, with his authentic
name, as well as from Derbyshire and the Highlands
of Scotland. The specimen in our plate was gathered on
stone walls near Settle, Yorkshire. It grows in broad patches
on calcareous stones, in rather moist places, often accompanied
with mosses.
The fronds spread in a radiating circular manner, and are
membranous, gelatinous, but not fleshy, of a dull olive black,
darker when dry, their under or lower parts much paler than
such as are more prominent. The lobes are crowded, branched,
linear, parallel, channelled, zigzag, much cut and crisped,
crenate, smooth, not granulated. Shields situated for the
most part about the margins of the fronds, slightly elevated,
horizontal, flat, dark reddish brown, with a prominent, en-
tlre, by age somewhat jagged, border, of the substance of the
L, melcenus of Acharius seems scarcely even a variety of