[ 1782 ]
LICH EN microphyllus.
S m a l l - l e a v e d S p u r i o u s C u p L i c h e n .
Gen. Char. M a le , scattered warts.
F em ale , smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. L ea ve s minute, somewhat imbricated,
rounded, nearly entire. Fruit-stalks simple, tubular,
smooth. T u b e rc le s solitary, capitate, co n v e x , brown,
somewhat lobed.
Syn. Bacomyces microphyllus. Achar. MSS.
G a t h e r e d by Mr. W. Borrer, oil wet heathy places in
Tilgate and St. Leonard’s forests, Sussex, in the winter, but
not frequently. It was at first thought the Bceomyces cariosus
of Acharius, but, on being sént to that able botanist, was determined
by him to be a new species, "and named as above.
We retain his specific name, though there has been a Lichen
microphyllus already, our carnosus, t. 1684; for, as it is probable
the genus of Bceomyces may be established, there will
then be no ambiguity.
The crust or ground of the plant before us consists of numerous,
crowded or imbricated, little green round concave
leaves, scarcely lobed or cut, white beneath. Fruit-stalks
scattered, ascending, scarcely above a quarter of an inch high,
simple, white and shining, tubular, swelling upwards, each
bearing a round, capitate, reddish brown, undivided tubercle,
often lobed, but not perforated, much exceeding the stalk in