LICHEN sarmentosus.
Trailing Filamentous Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Filamentous, hollow, pitted, whitish,
repeatedly branched, somewhat forked and divaricated;
ultimate branches capillary. Shields scattered,
lateral, sessile, concave, greenish flesh-colour,
with a pale entire border.
Syn. Lichen sarmentosus. A ch . Prod. 180.
L. longissimus, ex cinereo candicans, rugosus et mol-
. lior, receptaculis florum rufescentibus. Mich. Gen.
77. t. 3 9 . / . 2 .
Usnea loris longis dichotomis, extremitatibus tenui-
oribus. D ill. Muse. 59. t. 11. f . 2; copied from
U. dichotoma. Hoffm. PI. L ick . t. 72.
Parmelia sarmentosa. A ch . Meth. 271.
F o u n d , for the first time in Britain, by Messrs. Hooker
and Borrer in 1808, on the Scottish mountains of Ben
Luyhal, Sutherland, and Cairn-gorm, Inverness-shire.
It grows sometimes on old trunks of trees, more rarely on
rocks, and is a very distinct species from all the filamentous
Lichens we have hitherto described. The fronds are of an
ivory white, creeping, much branched and divaricated, irregularly
pitted, and sometimes powdery, on the surface, hollow,
without any central thread ; their ultimate branches very fine
and numerous. Shields, which we have received from Dr.
Acharius only, small, lateral, sessile, with a hollow, greenish,
somewhat flesh-coloured, disk, and a smooth elevated border,
of the substance of the frond.