tyo i 104a ]
FUCUS pinaftroides.
Pine Fucus.
G en. Char. Seeds produced in cluttered tubercles,
which burft at their fummits.
Spec. Char. Frond thread-fhaped, much branched :
ultimate branches clofely imbricated, in pairs, awl-
thaped, rather inclining to one fide, curved, entire.
Syn. Fucus pinaftroides. Gmel.Fuci 127. t. 11. f . 1.
Gooden, and Woodw. in linn. Tranf. v. 3 . 222.
Hull. 327.
F. incurvus. Hudf. 590. IVitb.v. 4. 115.
Pinus maritima, five Fucus teres, cujus ramuli fetis
fursitm tendentibus funt obfiti. Rati Sjm. 50.
F r EQUENT, either growing on rocks, or call up on the
fand, on moft parts of the fea fhore, bearing its fruit in
The Item is round, tough, much branched, adhering by a
fibrous bafe. Branches round, fubdivided, the ultimate fub-
divifions in pairs, (as Mr. Turner has firft remarked,) awl-
fhaped, curved upwards, denfe and very numerous. Capfules
the fize of rape feed, axillary or lateral, feflile or on fhort
fimple ftalks, globular. The colour of the whole plant is a
dark dull reddifh brown, black when dry. The younger
branches, when clofely examined, are found obfcurely jointed
like a Conferva; hence the late Mr. Lightfoot was inclined to
remove the plant to that genus. But the joints difappear in
the Item and old branches, and the fruit agrees with that of
true Fuci.