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F U C U S tuberculatus,
Tuberculated Fucus.
Gen, Char. Seeds produced in cluttered tubercles*
which burft at their fummits*
Spec. Char. Frond cylindrical, forked; its branches
unequal, obtufe, ftudded with fructification in the
upper part; their angles rounded.
Syn. F ucus tuberculatus. Hudf. 588. Gooden, and
Woodw. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 3. 198. Hull. 325.
F. bifurcatus. With. v. 4. 209. /. 17. ƒ. 1.
F. Kali geniculato ttmLlis, non tamen geniculatus,
Raii Syn. 43.
G ATHERED by Mr. D. Turner and Mr. Sowerby in June
laft in King’s Cove on the Cornifh eoaft, where, as well as in
Devonfhire, it grows in great plenty.
The frond varies in height from a to 13 inches, and is attached
to the rocks by a fmall dilated bafe. It is cylindrical,
of a dark olive-colour, ere£t, very much branched in the upper
part, and diftinguifhed by the axilla or angles of the
branches being rounded, not acute, and their fummits blunt,
and of unequal heights, not forming one level furface. Many
of the terminal branches are elongated, and ftudded all over
with prominent tubercles containing the feeds. It turns quite
black in drying, like moft of the olive-coloured Fuel.