L ICHEN filiformis.
Thread-shaped Cup Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Obscurely cup-shaped, cartilaginous,
greenish white. Leaves imbricated, sinuated and
crenate. Stalks cylindrical, simple, scaly. Cups
cylindrical, bordered with minute scarlet tubercles.
Syn. Lichen filiformis. Ach. Prod. 1 9 3 . With. v. 4.
3 8 . Hull. 3 0 3 . Relh. 4 7 0 . Sibth. 333. Abbot.
2 6 8 .
L . pyxidatus £ filiformis. Huds. 5 5 2 .
L. tubiformis. Light/. 8 7 1 .
Lichenoides tubulosum pyxidatum exiguum fusco-
virens. Raii Syn. 7 0 .
Coralloides scyphis gracilibus tubiformibus, pedicularis
folio. Dill. Muse. 8 5 . t. 14. f . 10.
Bgeomyces bacillaris. Ach. Meth. 3 2 9 .
A NATIVE of mountainous turfy heaths. We have gathered
it on the Pentland hills, Edinburgh, as well as on
Cromford moor near Matlock, and are obliged to Mr. Lyell
for these specimens from the New Forest, Hants. It bears
fruit at various seasons, but not frequently.
The leaves are more dilated and sinuated than in some of its
allies, greenish above, white underneath. Stalks about an
inch high at most, unbranched, cylindrical, hollow, scaly or
mealy, terminating in very slender cups of scarcely their own
diameter, whose rims are generally simple and entire, occasionally
divided or toothed, bordered with a series of beautiful
little uniform bright-scarlet tubercles, which turn brown
with age.