[ 1981 ]
L IC H E M tremelloides.
Nostoc Gelatinous Lichen.
Gen. Char.. Male, scattered warts.
Female, smooth shields or tubercles, in which the
seeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Leafy, gelatinous, membranous, thin,
smooth all over, green ; light lead-coloured when
dry; lobes ascending, rounded, folded, somewhat
notched. Shields scattered, rather elevated, flat,
reddish, with a smooth pale border.
Syn. Lichen tremelloides. Linn. Subpl. 450. Ach.
Prod. 136.
L. cochleatus. Dicks'. Crypt, fasc. 1. 13. t. 2 ./ . 9.
With. v. 4. 74. Hull. 300.
Parmelia tremelloides. Ach. Meth. 224.
T h i s Lichen I first gathered in 1782 on the east side of
Dumbarton castle rock, in a moist spot hear tlie bottom, but
without shields. In Devonshire, whence Mr. Slater sent specimens
to Mr. Dickson, it is more generally found in fructification.
Tts fronds grow in creeping patches, and are very
thin and tender, ascending, roundly lobed, a little notched
here and there, of a dullish green when wet, of a light lead-
colour when dry, smooth and naked all over, and of the same
hue above and below. Shields scattered over the upper surface,
somewhat elevated., with a flat reddish-chesnut disk, and
a thick very smooth border, externally like the frond; but its
inner edge is pale and buff-coloured.
Thunberg found this at the Cape of Good Hope, and the
late Mr. Curtis is said to have gathered it in Yorkshire. Mr.
Griffith declares it to be very common about his residence at
Garn. We trust we need not dispute with that generally correct
botanist on the subject of its difference from granulatus,
t. 1757. The latter becomes almost black by drying*