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F U C U S norvegicüs.
R ed Norway Fucus.
© en . Char. Seeds produced in cluttered tubercles*
which buril at their fummits.
Spec. Char. Frond cartilaginous, forked ; its branches
linear, entire, rounded at the fummit; Tubercles
hemifphericaL, fituatéd on the ditk of the leaf.
Syn. F ucus norvegicus. Turn. Syn. 222.
F. crenulatus (3. Turn. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 6. 131.
C „ „ , SPECIMENS of this Fucus Were communicated to us in
March laft by Mr. Turner, who received it from Mr. Dillwyn,
its original difcoverer at Dover. At firft it Was fuppofed à
Variety of crenulatus, a new fpeciés defcribed by the firft-
mentioned gentleman in the Linn. Tranf. ; but he has now
admitted it to the rank of a fpecies in his Synopfs, and furely
with the greateft propriety. We have not at hand the figure
of Gunner, FI. Norv. v. a. t. 3. f . 4. but have no doubt of
its being cited with propriety.
F. norvégiens bears a confiderable refemblance to F. crifpus,
(till lately taken by Britifh botanifts for the ceranoides of
Linn.) particularly in its cartilaginous fubftance, and in its
forked figuré; it is alfo, as Mr. Turner obfërvës, akin to
tulens, fee dur t. 1053, but is nevér proliferous, neither is it
Of fo membranous a texture, or of fo pale a colour. The
fructification moreover effentially diftinguifhes it from both,
confiding of red hemifpherical tubercles, projecting from the
difk of the frond, by no means immerfed in its fubftance. Thefe
tubercles contain numerous feeds, enclofed in a thick coat,