C i q 68 ]
F U C U S laciniatus.
Jagged Fucus.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced in cluttered tubercles,
which burft at their fummits.
Spec. Char. Frond membranous, branched, vein-
le fs ; branches dilated, palmate, obtufe, flat.
Tubercles in the minute leafy fringe.
Syn. Fucus laciniatus. Hudf. 579. Turn. Syn. 161.
With. v. 4 . 103. var. 2. Lightf. 947.
F. laceratus y . Gooden, and Woodw. Tr. of Linn.
Soc. v. 3. 156; Hull. 320.
F. ciliatus. Gmel. Fuci, 176. t. 2 1 ./ . 1.
T H I S is found on fubmarine rocks and ftones, but lefs
commonly than the laft, of which many recent botanifts have
confidered it as a variety. Mr. Turner however has feparated
them. According to his obfervations the prefent fpecies fructifies
earlier, viz. from February to May. It is of a lefs membranous
texture, rather more opaque in colour, entirely defti-
tute of veins or ribs, fcarcely reticulated in any part of its
fubftance; its form is alfo more dilated and palmate, flat, not
undulated, at the margin. When perfeCt the edge becomes
thickly fringed with abrupt leafy undulating procefles, in which
Lightfoot aflures us the feeds are lodged. This we have not been
fo fortunate as to fee; but, if correct, it leaves no doubt as to
the certainty of the fpecies.