G Y R O P H O R A deusta.
B u r n t G y r o p h o r a .
G e n . C h a r . Tubercles sessile on a p e lta te fro n d ,b la ck ,
w ith a p la ited con to r ted d isk , in whose c le fts the
seeds are lod ged .
Spec. C har. F ro n d memb ranou s, ro u n d ly lo b ed,
b row n ; u p p e r sid e more or less gran u la ted ; under
c e llu la r and re ticu la ted , smooth and n ak ed . T u b
e rc le s w ith c ir cu la r p laits , at len g th c o n v e x .
S vn. G y ro p h o ra deu s ta. Ach. Meth. 10 2 ,
.L ich en deustus. Linn. Sp. PL 1 6 1 8 . F l.S u e c .4 ig .
Ach. Prod. 145. With. 63 ?
L . flo ccu lo su s . W u f in Jacq. Coll. v. 3. 98. t. 1.
f . 3 .
L . p u s tu la ti varie tas s in gu la ris . Linn. FI. Suec. 420.
It. W. Goth. 217 !
U m b ilic a r ia flo ccu lo sa. Hoffm. P i. Lich. t. 68,
/• 1 - 4 . '
OUND on rocks in the Highlands of Scotland, many years ago,
by Mr. Dickson. Our specimen was gathered on Ben Cruachan
by Mr. W. Borrer; that in fructification came from Dr. Swartz.
The plant is very common in Sweden, and appears, by an authentic
specimen, to be what Linnaeus intended. When it grows on
perpendicular moist rocks, it most frequently becomes covered on
the upper side with minute scales or leaflets, as Linnaeus found it
in West Gothland; but these are only dilatations of the granulations
which it usually bears. The under surface is naked and
smooth, but not even, being more or less distinctly marked with
veiny reticulations, with pits between. Both sides are of a lurid
blackish' brown, somewhat rusty, but not olive. The frond is
often a little compound; its circumference roundly lobed or cre-
nate. Tubercles quite sessile, very black and opaque, a little
convex, with several convolutions of the disk, partly concentric,
partly folded, but there is usually a regular circular outline, or rim.