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F U C U S Wigghii.
Wigghian Fucus.
G e n . C h a r . Seeds produced in cluftered tubercles,
which burft at their fummits.
S p e c . C h a r . Frond thread-fhaped, tender, much
branched ; ultimate branches briftle-fhaped, fcat-
tered, moftly fimple, each tipped with a lanceolate
pointed capfule.
Syn. F ucus Wigghii. Turn. Tr. of Linn. Soc. v. 6.
135. t. 10. Synopf. 362.
T H E only knowledge we have of this Fucus is from Mr.
Wigg, who firft found it on the Yarmouth coaft, and Mr.
Turner, who has defcribed it by the name of its difcoverer. It
is found in the middle of fummer, thrown up on the coaft,
and is prefumed to be annual.
In delicacy of form and texture, almofl in beauty of colour,
this nearly approaches F. afparagoides, defcribed in our 8th
vol. t. 5 7 1 , the only fpecies with which it can by any means
be confounded. The differences however are plain and certain.
The little ultimate branches of F. Wigghii are not ranged
in an oppofite manner, but irregularly though denfely
fcattered. Thofe which bear the fru&ification are longer, not
Ihorter, than the others, and much more numerous than in
F. afparagoides. The feeds are imbedded ip a terminal, lanceolate
or ovate, pointed pod.