U 6 [ 8 ^ 3 1
F U C U S canaliculatusi
Channelled Fucus.
G en . C h a r . Seeds produced in cluttered tubercles,
which burft at their fummits.
Spec. Char. F ro n d dichotomous, linear, channelled
on one fide, entire, nervelefs, with blunt*
forked* fwelling, fruit-bearing tips»
Syn . F ucus canaliculatus. Linn. Syjl. Nat-, ed. 12»
w. 2 . 7 1 6 » Hudf. $%%. With. v. 4 . 9 9 . Hull. 2,12 »
Gooden, and Woódw. in Linn* Tranf. v. 3 . 1 7 2 .
F . excifus. Linn. Sp. PI. 1 6 2 7 . Syjl. Nat. ed. 1 2 . 7 1 5 »
FI. Dan. t. 2 1 4 .
F . pumilus dichotomus, fegmentis ex una parte gib-
bofis, ex altera excavatis. Rail Syn. 4 3 .
N OT uncommon on fubmarine röcks in various parts of
the Britifli coaft; fometimés about the mouths of large rivers»
It is known by its fronds being channelled or concave on one
fide, convex on the other, óf an olive brown, branched front
the very bottom in a forked manner* entire and even at thé
edge, notched at the tip when barren. The fructification is
fituated in fwelling, forked or twin, rugged, Oblong, terminal
protuberances, of a paler and more yellowith olive than thé
reft of the plant, ftudded with clutters of feeds.
Linnaeus was not aware, when he wrote the 12th edition of
his'Syjlema Natures, that this Fucus Was the excifus of Sp. Ph
confequently it occurs twice in the firft-mentioned book. He
afterwards in fome meafure corrected the error, by making
excifus a variety of canaliculatus j but in truth they are one
and the fame plant»