L I C H E N tiliaceus,
Smooth Grey L ich en .
G en . Chak.' Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char . Imbricated. Leaflets finuated, rounded,
of a greyifh white. Shields brown, with a white
fmooth margin.
Syn. Lichen tiliaceus. (Hoffm.) Sm. Tr. o f Linn.
Soc. v. i. 83. Diekf. Crypt, fafc. 3. 16. With.
V: 4. 31. Hull. 2,94.
L. quercifolius. Wulf. in Jacq. Coll. v. 3. 127. t. 9.
ƒ• 2- . , ~ " ■>’ '
'TJL H IS Lichen, very common and with copious fhields on
the trunks of Olive-trees in the South of France, has been
found by the Rev. Mr, Hugh Davies on rocks in Anglefea
and Carnarvonfhire; and lately by Mr. D. Turner and Mr.
Sowerby, in its more natural fituation and appearance, on the
trunks of oak-trees by the round tower at Dunfter, Somerfet-
fhire, in great abundance, though fparingly in fructification,
for the Lichens in general are moft fruitful in fouthern climates.
It is moft allied to L. faxatilis and omphalodei; but the
great fmoothnefs of its upper furface, and its more rounded,
generally broader, lobes, diftinguifh it. The fhields alfo are
flatter, and their margin fmooth and confpicuoufly white
never powdery or warty, as thofe of both the fpecies juft mentioned
always are. Their difk is of a bright bay-colour,
greenifh when wet. The under fide of the frond, as in thofe
fpecies, is fhaggy and coal-black; in which refpeCt, as well as
fize, and the want of green mofly balls, it differs from L. glo-
muliferus figured in our 3 th vol. t. 293, with which the ingenious
Abbe Wulfen confounded it.