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FUCUS lycopodioides.
Club-Mofs Fucus.
Gen. Char. Seeds produced in cluttered tubercles,
which burft at their fummits.
Spec. Char. Frond thread-fhaped, branched, clothed
on every fide with denfe prominent cylindrical
briftles. Branches generally undivided.
Syn. Fucus lycopodioides. Linn. Syjt. Veg. ed. 14.
969. Gooden, and Woodw. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v. 3.
223. Turn. Syn. 343. With. v . 4. 107. Unfit 327.
F. Lycopodium. Stackh. Ner. 107. t. 17. Turner.
Conferva fquarrofa. FI. Dan. t. 357.
M R . WOODWARD originally informed us of his having
found this rare Fucus at Cromer, and we fufpeft the mention
of Yarmouth in the Linn. Tranf. to be a miftake. The Rev.
H. Davies received it from the Hebrides. Our fpecimens
were obligingly communicated by Mr. N. J. Winch, from
Bates’s Ifland, near Hartley Pans, Northumberland, where
it is not uncommon on the fteins of F. digitatus. With them
we received the following defcription, drawn up from a careful
examination of the recent plant, by Mr. R. Waugh and
Mr. J. Thornhill. The laft-mentioned gentleman has feveral
times found the plant on the coaft of Northumberland and
“ Root a very fmall callous difk. Stem 6 or 8 inches long,
filiform, about as thick as a crow’s quill, moftly divided into
a few long almoft wholly fimple branches; denfely covered
with fe ta pointing in every direction, from 4 to i an inch long,
moftly fimple, fometimes forked, nearly of an equal thicknefs
throughout. When magnified the fe ta appear uniform,
withoutfepta, femidiaphanous, of a dull red. Whole plant
reddilh brown, drying black. Fru&ification unknown.”
Conferva rubra frequently grows on this Fucus, and the
above gentlemen fufpeft its young {hoots, being jointed, may
have caufed the fe ta to be fo defcribed. We {hould acquiefee
in this opinion, as we can find no joints in the Linnean fpeci-
men; but Mr. Turner withholds his affent.