7 ^ [ 889 J
L I C H E N farinaceus.
Ragged Mealy Lichen.
G en. Char. M a le , fca tte red warts .
F em a le , fm o o th th ie ld s o r tu b e r c le s , in w h ich the
feeds are im b ed d ed .
Spec. Char. L e a fy ,m u c h -b r a n c h e d , u p r ig h t ,le a th e ry ,
g la u c o u s -a th c o lo u r e d , fm o o th ,p it te d j th e branches
ta p e r in g , ftu d d ed with la te ra l, c o n v e x , p ale , mealy
w ar ts . S h ie ld s fc a t te re d , f ta lk e d , flat, p a le -b u ff.
S y n . L ic h e n far in a ceu s . Linn. Sp. Pi. 1 6 1 3 . A char.
Prod. 1 7 7 . Hudf. 5 4 0 . With* v . 4 . 5 0 . Hull. 295.
Lightf. 8 3 3 . Sibtb. 3 2 9 . Abbot. 2 6 5 . Dickf.
H. Sicc.fafc. 1 7 . 2 3 . Relb. 4 3 2 . fub n. 8 7 2 .
L ic h e n o id e s fe gm en t is a rgu tio r ib u s , ad margines
v e r ru co fis e t p u lv e ru len tis . Dill. Mufc. 17 2 .
23 -ĥ 63.
A VERY common Lichen on the branches of mo ft kinds
of trees, but the thields are fo rarely found, that Dr. Acharius
fuppofes himfelf the firft who has defcribed or even obferved
them. The former claim cannot be difputed; but, with re-
fpedt to the latter, we have fine fpecimens in full fructification
gathered in Norfolk at lead: 20 years ago by the Rev. H . Bryant,
That in our plate was found in 1799 by the Rev. C. Abbot
in Clapham Park Wood, Bedfordthire. Mr. Bryant conceived
his difcovery only confirmed the fuppofitionof Dillenius,
Scopoli and others, that this Lichen was the other fex of
L . calicaris of Hudfon (fajligiatus of Acharius), and that he
had merely met by accident with both fexes on one plant. We
neverthelefs are rather of the opinion of Dr. Acharius, who keeps
them feparate, and we {hall endeavour in this and the following
plate to diftinguifti them.
L . farinaceus forms fpreading much-branched tufts; its
fegments vary in breadth, but are generally very narrow, acute,
flattifti, pitted, of a pale glaucous gray, fmooth, except for the
numerous irregular powdery cracks or warts on their edges or
fides, which conftitute the effential diftin&ion of this fpeeies,
and which in drying become almoft white. The fhields are
flat, of a very pale buff, furrounded when young with an entire
border of the colour of the leaf.
June, /. /S o /. JPubfflhcd' 7y Jhe? S o freriy, J/andort/.