F U C U S bifidus.
Cloven Fucus.
G en . Ch a r . Seeds produced in cluftered tubercles,
which bur ft at their fummits.
Sp e c . Ch a r . Fronds veinlels, membranous, dilated,
cloven; their legments divaricated and blunt.
Tubercles marginal, fcattered.
S yn. F ucus bifidus. Hudf. 581. With. v. 4. 103.
Hull, 320. Gooden, and Woodw. in Linn. Tranf.
v . 3. 159. t. l y . f . 1.
F I R S T obferved by Mr. Hudfon on fubmarine rocks and
ftones on the Hampfhire coaft, where Dr. Goodenough has
likewife gathered it. Mr. Woodward found the fame growing
at Cromer. Our fpeeimens, wafhed up on the Yarmouth
beach, have been communicated by Mr. D. Turner.
This Fucus is very little known, and it is an inftance of Mr.
Hudfon’s penetration to have determined it as diftinft without
the affiftance of the fru&ification, which he feems never to have
feen, but which decidedly marks the fpecies. The root is
fmall and fibrous. Fronds an inch or two in height, of a thin
membranous texture, without vein or rib; their colour a light
purplifh red; their margin fmooth and entire; their form
fomewhat wedge-fhaped, cloven once, twice, or more into two
bluntifh lobes. The tubercles of feeds are fcattered more or
lefs clofely along the edge of the frond, and are globular, prominent,
but very fmall, red, turning black as the feeds ripen.