l 772 ]
L I C H E N linuatus.
S t n u a t e d L i c h e n .
G e n . C h a r . Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
S p e c . C h a r . Imbricated, pellucid, fomewbat gelatinous.
Leaves roundifh, finuated, crenate, glaucous
green, fmooth on both tides. Shields concave,
brownifh, with an elevated fmooth border.
S y n . Lichen linuatus. Hudf. 535. With. v. 4. 75.
Hull. 301.
Lichenoides tenue crifpum, foliis parvis depreffis.
Bill. Mufc. 145. t. 19./. 33.
H e r e f o r d s h i r e , Devonthire and Wales are the only
parts of this ifland in which Mr. Hudfon’s Lichen Jinuatus is
known to have been found, fo that Mr. D. Turner’s having
difcovered it on the ruinous walls of Burgh caftle, near Yarmouth,
is no fmall triumph for our Norfolk Flora. It occupies
the interfaces of rocks or ftones in thady places, and being very
fmall, is not ealily detected, except in wet weather, when it
affumes a bright fea-green tinge. It grows in little denfe tufts,
confifting of numerous fpreading fronds, rounded, lobed and
crenate, of a dull brown, verging towards a lead-colour, when
dry, but of a glaucous grafs-green when moiftened, by which
alfo they become fomewhat gelatinous. The fhields are fcattered
over the difk, as may be feen in the magnified portion of
our figure, and are fmall, elevated, concave, brownifh, efpe-
cially when dry, with a fmooth elevated border of the colour
of the frond. Spmetimes we have found the outfide of the
fhields, though not their border, fcaly with minute leaflets.
This betrays fome affinity to L. BurgeJJii, t. 300, to which
L . Jinuatus is naturally allied in many refpedls, though fo
widely different in fize, and in being fmooth on the under fide
of the fronds. The Lichen which I am quoted by Dr. Withering
as having found at Dumbarton proves to be his rupejlris
rather than this plant, with which we were not then acquainted