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L I C H E N trapeziformis.
Quadrangular Lichen.
C R Y P T O G A M I A Alga.
G en. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. C har. Frond Ample, flat, bluntly angular,
thickith, fmooth, o f a dull glaucous green, with
many roots. Tubercles in immerfed black dots.
S yn. Lichen trapeziformis. Dickf. Cry f t . fa ß . 2. 22.
With. ed. 2. v . 3. 201. Hull. Brit. FI. 206.
L . Endocarpon. With. v. 4. 52.
F O U N D by Mr. Dickfon on barren heaths near Croydon,
(and by Mr. D. Turner in Norfolk. It is fcarcely difcernible
but in wet weather.
The frond is hardly fo broad as a thield of the common
L. farietinus, and grows, attached by numerous long downy
roots, quite flat upon the earth. Its form is irregularly quadrangular,
with obfolete blunt lobes; its fubftance rather
flethy; its colour a dull glaucous green. The centre is
fprinkled with minute black dots, under each of which, im-
merfed in the fubftance of the frond, is a fmall tubercle, at
length protruded upwards. It feems to be an annual plant.
On account of the ftridl affinity in the fructification of this
land the Lichens in our t. 593 and ^ 94, we have placed them
near each other. It is probable they might form a genus together,
which fhottld be called Endocarpon, the generic name
of this fpecies in the celebrated Hedwig’s great work. For
this reafon we have rather preferred another fpecific appellation,