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L I C H E N ctefius.
Grey-warted Lichen.
Gen. Char. Male, fcattered warts.
Female, fmooth fhields or tubercles, in which the
feeds are imbedded.
Spec. Char. Imbricated, convex, entangled, greyifh
white; its fegments many-lobed and notched.
Warts fcattered, powdery, grey. Shields glaucous-
black, with whitith margins.
Syn . Lichen caefius. Achar. Prod. 107. Schrad.
Spicil. 93.
L . Pfora. Dick/. Crypt, fafe. 3. 17. With. v. 4. 26.
Hull. 293.
Pfora casfia. Hoffm. PI. Lich. t. 8. ƒ. 1.
O U R fpecimens of this Lichen ( which Mr. Dickfon firft
made known as an Englifh fpecies) were gathered by Mr.
Turner on walls, graveftones, &c., in the church-yards of
Burgh and Bradwell, Suffolk, and Acle, Norfolk ; and by
Mr. Sowerby on the llaty roof of Richmond houfe, Richmond
park. The narrow, convex, imbricated, and entangled fronds
form a loofe uneven cruft, foon lofing its original orbicular
figure, befprinkled with round convex powdery warts, of a
rather whiter hue than the pale grey of the frond. The ultimate
lobes are dilated, fubdivided and notched, clothed with
fhort brown fibres beneath. The fhields rarely occur with us,
but are fometimes very copious, fmall, with an elevated cre-
nate border of the colour of the frond : their difk is flat,
glaucous when dry, but if moiftened or rubbed it becomes
black.--------The powdery warts, and the more brittle, narrow,
and intricate ftrufture of the plant, diftinguifh this fpecies
with fufficient certainty from L . Jlellaris and all the neighbouring