
P age
D e c e lla brevirostris, skin characters . . . 870 Phocoena brevirostris
. 369
s k u l l ....................................... 413 „ (Orca) brevirostris . . . . . 369
spleen 381 Palmiste, L e . . 257
sternum . . . . 412 Pangolin . . . 352
stomach . . . . 374 P apio assamensis . . 64
„ g la n d s. . . 877 ,, japanensis . - . . foot-note 28
1 lymphatic glands 878 „ melanotus . 45 „ vascular channels 377 „ nemestrinus . . 77 „ wall, minute struc„
ocreatus . 81
ture . 876 ,, rhesus . . . 76
t e e th........................................ 414 ,, silen u s. . . 93
tongue . . . . 372 P a yp a . . . . 335
trachea . . . . 387 P e eo d ic t ic u s . 106
tunica albuginea . . 405 Pholidotus javanicus 353
„ granulosa
ulna . . . . .
412 PHYLLOKHINA 97, 98
umbilical cord . 403 ,, aurita . 98
„ lymphatics o f 403 „ bicolor . 98
uterusgravid . . 394, 396 ,, larvata ,, ,, connective tissue 399 . 97
„ „ cryptose struc„
speoris . 97
ture . 395 P h y sa iu s , laryngeal sac o f . . . . 386 „ f a ta l 396 PlPISTBELLUS affinis . 100 „ linear bare area o f . 399 Polatouche . 302 ,, grav id smooth spots on 395 Poncan . .... 104
„ utricular glands o/"397,399 P la ta nista g a n g e t ic a ............................................ 417, 550 » »* ' vagina . . . . 394 minor, var. , . . 425
vertebral column 409 . 424
„ fluminalis 358 „ gangetica, allantois . . . 492
buccal cavity . . . . 861 allantoic bodies . . . 492
„ v*, /oZrf t» . . . 361 amnion . • . . 491
» m papilte o f 362 amnionic bodies . 491
d e n t i t i o n........................................ 365 aorta . 460
distribution . . . . 359 Ascaris simplex, in . . 448
food . . . . . . 361 atlas . . . . 529
ha b its. . . . . . 360 (ms . 530
h u m e r u s............................................ 368 basi-occipital . . . 502
manus . , . . 413 basi-sphenoid . 604
m a x illa r y........................................ 364 blow-hole . . . . 449
measurements . . . 358, 359 brain . . . 462
p a l a t i n e........................................ 364 capture . . . . 422
periotic . . . . . 364 caput gallinaginis . 477
pelvic bones . . . . 364 carotid artery . . 461
p e n i s.................................................. 362 carpal bones . " . . 539
n‘6s .................................................. 367 caudal vertebra . 634
s c a p u l a........................................ 367 cervical vertebra 530, 532
s k i n............................................ 358, 370 chorion . . . . 489
sk u ll . . . . . . 362 ,,smooth spots on . 490
>> • »» „ measurements 365 ',, bare linear are on 490
sternum . . . . . 367 cochlea . . .' 516
teeth . . . . 365, 414, 366 corpora cavernosa 473,474
t o n g u e........................................ 361 „ spongiosa . 474
tympanic . . . . . 364 cranial cavity, mould . . 467
vertebral column. 366 cranial measurements. . 428
Osmetictis f is c a 189 dentition . . . . 435
Ouanderou, l ì 93 „ changes in . . 627
Ounko, The 9 „ o f mandible . 627
Ourang-outan, T h e .................................................. 2 dimensions . . . 432
Pachyura. . . 142, 146, 151 153 distribution . 418
„ indica 161 Distoma andersoni, in . 448
Phoccena ........................................ 410, 412, 415 Distoma computa, in • . 449
P age P age
¡anista gangetica, dorsal vertebra . . 632 Platanista gangetica, palate, mucous crypts . 435
„ „ „ fin, position o f 536 522
„ „ ductus communis choledochus . 447 448
,, ,, duodenal sac . . . ' . 446 ,, „ pancreatic duct 447
„ . j, • „ racemose glands 448 „ „ panniculosus camosus 475
,, car-bones. . . . . 520 „ „ p a r i e t a l........................................ 609
„ ,, ejaculator seminis . . . 475 „ „ p a ro tid gland . . . . 455
,, ,, erector penis . . . . 475 „ „ parturition, mechanism o f 495
„ „ eye . . . . . 468 „ p e r i o t i c ....................................... 614
„ ,, eustachian tube . . . 452 „ ,, pharynx . . . . . 439
„ ,, „ „ labyrinth o f . 453 ,, „ p itu ita ry body . 463
,, ,, „ ,, microscopic ,, ,, premaxilla . . . . 627
structure o f . 454 ,, „ pterygoids . . . . 507
,, ,, exoccipitals . . . ■; 501 ,, ,, pulmonary glands . . . 459
„ „ fallopian tubes . . . 481 ,, „ „ „ , microscopic
,,- „ ,,' „ microscopic structure o f . 460
structure o f . 482 ,, „ r a d i u s ........................................ 539
„• „ • »' » orifices o f 487 ,, ’ „ ' retractor muscles o f penis . 475
„ „ female . . 426,430,431,432 ,, .,', n i s ........................................ 536
„ „ fenestra o va lis . . . . 516 „ „ s c a p u la ........................................ 538
„ „ ,, rotunda 516 „ ,, semi-circular canals 617
„ ,, f a t u s ....................................... 494 ,, ,, s k e le to n ........................................ 496
„ ,, „ penis o f . . 495 ,, „ skin . . . . . 432
„ „ „ relations of, to uterus 493 „ „ ,, microscopic structure o f . 432
» » f o o d ........................................ 420 „ H slwZZ . . . . 501,628
f r o n t a l ....................................... 510 „ „ s p e c i e s ....................................... 424
„ „ genitalorgansofmale 472 ,,' „ s p l e e n ........................................ 449
„ „ gestation....................................... 422 ,, „ splenic sacs . . . . 449
,, ,, h a b i t s ....................................... 420 „ ,, squamosal . . . ." 512
„ ,, heart . . . ' . . 460 ,, ,,' stomach . . . . . 441
,, ,, humerus . . . . . 639 ,, ,, ' relations . 440
„ „ hyoid 628 „ ,, ' ,, jirsZ cavity . . 441
„ „ intestines. . . 447 „ ,, ' , " ,-j ' microscopic structure
• „ • larynx . . 455 o f f ir s t comity . 442
,, ■ „ ■ levator ami . . . . 475 ' second cavity 443
,, ,, - l i v e r ........................................ 449 » ,, „ ' „ „ c«p-
- ,, • lumbar vertebra . . . 633 shaped bodies . 444
,r ■ „ • • l u m g s ....................................... 458 „ „ ,, „ „ micros„•
„ m a l a r ........................................ 523 copic structure. 445
„ . „ male . . . . 430 432 ,, ,, „ passage between second
,, „ „ genital organs . 472 and third cavities 446
„ ,, mammary organs 477 n n ,, ZAmZ comity 446
„ „ . mandible . . . . , 527 ,, ,, s te rn um ....................................... 537
„ „ • . manus, muscles 541 „ ,, „ ossification. 548
„■ „ maxilla . , . . 524 „ „ ' subclavian a rtery . 461
,,,- . • i . „ sexual differences 527 ,, ,, supra-occipital . . 501
„ „ measurements . . . 427, 428 ,, » Z e s Z e s ....................................... 476
„ • ■ ,, membrana intermedia . . 491 ^ „ ' thoracic glands . . 459
,,’ ,, mesethmoid . . . . 506 ,,' ,, thymus gland . . . . 459
„ m o u t h....................................... 433 ,» „ thyroid body . ■ . 459
,, ,, muscles o f manus 541 » „ tongue . . 433
» • « a r e s....................................... 451 p a p illa . . . 434
,, - ,, nasals . . . . . 527 „ ,, tr a c h e a........................................ 457
„ ^ native names . . . . 422 » „ trapezium 464
» „ ovary o f virgin 483 . » » tympanic . . 518
■ „ ~' - ,, oesophagus . . . . 440 ,, „ «Zma . • . . . . 539
» » ,, - microscopic structure 440 „ „ umbilical cord . . . 493
,,. „ opZic nerves . . . . 463 » ,, * ,, ' ,, glandular bodies 493
> », • » orbitosphenoid . . . 605 » » „ ,, sac-like dilata
» ,, os ¿¿Zen internum . 487 tions o f arteries o f 494
» »» palate . . . . , 435 » it ureters . . . . 471
T 5