H e l ic a r io n g ig a s , Bens., v a r .
Vitrina gigas, Bens., Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. v, 1886, p. 850.
Helicarion gigas, Bens., var., Nevill, I. c., p. 24.
A single specimen was found at Kyonkphyoo; though differing slightly, it is so
close to the shell of typical Selic. gigas, that I think there can be little doubt of
their identity ^ .
Liam. 35£, axis 8£ ; apert. lat. 27£, alt. 21 mm.
H e l ic a r io n m a g n i f ic u m , God.-Aust. & N e v .
Helicarion magnificns, God.-Aust. & Nevill, Joum. As. Soc., vol. xlvi, 1877, p. 24.
I am indebted to Lieutenant-Colonel Godwin-Austen for pointing out that this
magnificent slug, the largest yet known of the genus, is quite distinct from Benson’s
Selic. gigas (KMsi Hills); Godwin-Austen has kindly undertaken to describe the
animal with full details and a figure, so that it is only necessary for me here to state
that it is very closely allied to the Assam species, but that the shell is much larger,
of a brown (not green) colour, with the body-whorl much more flatly expanded, and
the spire less convoluted and more depressed, and that, looked at from underneath,
very much less of the reflected body-whorl is visible.
The largest specimen, in spirit, measures 70 mm
Shell, diam. maj. 45, axis, 11J ; apert. lat. 40£ alt. 19£ mm.
Tolerably abundant at Momien, in Yunnan.
H e l ic a r io n v e n u s t u m , Theob.
Vitrina (?) venusta, Theob., Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, 1870, p. 400.
? Helicarion solidum, God.-Aust., Proc. Zool. Soc., 1872, p. 5, pi. i, fig. la .
Helicarion venustum, Nevill, I. c., p. 24.
Dr. Anderson brought back from Ponsee, in Yunnan, numerous specimens
(preserved in sprat) of a small form, the shell of which I am unable to distinguish
from typical Arakan specimens of Selic. venustum, only differing in apparently
being of a smoother and more polished texture and in the spire being a shade more
distinctly convoluted; a single specimen of Selic. solidum from the Naga Hills is
quite undistinguishahle from the above Arakan specimens. The figures in the Con.
Indica of the two forms are, however, so distinct that the types will have to he reexamined.
Hr. Anderson also brought hack a small specimen (in spirit) of apparently
the same form from Nampoung, in the Kakhyen Hills, found under stones
near running water; the animal of this specimen differs from that of my Selic.
resplendent in apparently completely covering the shell and in being of a duskier,
more uniform coloration, apparently not speckled at all, hut of a darker tinge on
the mantle lobes and caudal extremity than on the rest of the foot; this, as far as it
goes, would seem to agree fairly with the original, description of the animal of Selic.
Sub-Genus C r y p t o so m a , Theob.
H e l ic a r io n (C r y p t o so m a ) p r ^ s t a n s , Gld.
Vitrinaprcestans, Gld., Proc. Bost. Nat. Hist. Soc., 1843, p. 100; Con. Indica, pi. Ixv, figs. 5, 6.
Helicarion (Cryptosoma) prastans, Nevill, I. c., p. 25.
The entire shell is covered with a thick and compact brown epidermis; the
largest specimen in the Indian Museum, from Tenasserim, measures, a.tH« 27^, diam.
31£ mm. I t is an extremely abundant species in Tenasserim, and also near Moul-
mein. Dr. Anderson found it abundant at Sawady and on the banks of the Irawady,
2nd Defile,,
Genus E n n e a , Alb.
Sub-Genus H u t t o n e l l a , Pfr.
E n n e a (H u t t o n e l l a ) b ic o l o r , Hutt.
Pvpa bicolor; Hutt., Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. iii, 1884, p. 86, No. 8 ; p. 98, No. 8 ; Con.
pi. 100, figs. 4-6.
Ennea (Huttonella) bicolor, Nevill, I.e., p. 25.
Pairly abundant at Bham6. Both E. mellita, Gld., and E. ceylonica, Pfr., are
undoubtedly merely varieties of this most widely dispersed shell.
Genus S t r e p t a x i s , Gray.
S t r e p t a x i s t h e o b a l d i , Bens.
Streptaxis theobaldi, Bens., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 8, 1859, vol. iii, p. 187; Con. Indica
pi. viii, fig. 8 ; Nevill, I. c., p. 25.
A few specimens were found at Bhamo, agreeing exactly with the typical
KMsi-hill form.
Genus S t e n o g y r a , Shuttl.
Sub-Genus O p e a s , Alb.
S t e n o g y r a (O p e a s ) g r a c il i s , Hutt.
Bulirtmgracilis, Hutt., Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. iii, 1884, p. 84, No. 5 ; p. 98, No. 5 ■ Con.
Indica, pL xxiii, fig. 4.
Stenogyra (Opeas) gracilis, Nevill, I. c., p. 25.
Pound abundantly at Tsagain and Bhamd on the Pirst Expedition.