
Genus C h l e u a s i c u s , Blyth.
126. C h l e u a s ic u s r u f ic e p s , Blyth.1 Plate XLYII.
Chleuasicus ruficeps, Blyth, Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. xlv, p. 578, 1845 ; Jerdon, B. Ind., vol. ii,
p. 7, 1868 ; Hume, Stray Feathers, vol. v, 1877, p. 499.
Suthora ruficeps, Blyth, Cat. B. Mus., As. Soc., Bengal, p. 102, 1849 ; Gray, Handl. B., vol. ii,
p. 235, 1870.
Chleuasicus ruficeps atro-superciliaris, var., Godwin-Austen, Proc. As. Soc., Bengal, 1877, p. 147.
Chleuasicus atro-superciUaris, Godwin-Austen, Proc. As. Soc., Bengal, 1877, p. 102 ; Journ. As. Soc.,
Bengal, vol. xxvi, 1877, p. 44 ; Stray Feathers, 1877, p. 499.
a. Ponsee, 22nd April 1868.
I shot this rare bird among tall grass at an elevation of about 4,500 feet, near
the summit of the ridge above Ponsee. I t was flitting amongst the grass from
stem to stem with its mate.
This specimen which I have figured has a narrow black band from the bill to
the anterior angle of the eye, passing over the eye as a narrow supercilium, expanding
somewhat behind it over the ear-coverts, and in this respect it corresponds to
the bird described by Lieutenant-Colonel Godwin-Austen as a variety from India
or Upper Assam, and which Mr. Hume believes to be the male bird.
Genus S u t h o r a , Hodgson.
127. S u t h o r a b r u n n e a , Andr. Plate XLIX.
Suthora brmnea, Anderson, P. Z. S., 1871, p. 211 ; Swinh., t. c., p. 878 ; Gould, B. A., pt. xxviii, 1876.
Suthora suffusa, Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc., London, 1871, p. 872.
a. b. c. 8p d. Momien, 5th Ju n e 1868.
Total length 5"*20 ; wing2"’l5 ; tail 2ff,74; bill 0”-35 ; tarsus 0"'84.
Above brownish-olive, head and nape rich reddish ferruginous ; chin and throat
as well as the breast suffused with rosy, and faintly striated with brown ; middle of
abdomen buff ; sides of abdomen and under tail-coverts dusky olive-brown ; wings
and tail brown; primaries and tail-feathers narrowly and faintly margined with
The characters which Swinhoe assigned to 8. suffusa are those by which
I distinguished between S. bulomachus, Swinhoe, and this species, viz., the much
richer character of the red of the head and neck in S. brtnmea, and the absence of
red on the wing ; the centre of the abdomen being buff. Besides 8. webbiana there
are the recently discovered species by M.l’Abbé David, 8. conspicillata, S. cyano-
ffhrys, and 8. gularis, the latter allied to the beautiful little golden-headed species
8. dajlaensis, discovered by Lieutenant-Colonel Godwin-Austen in the Dafla hills.
1 Through an oversight on the part of those entrusted with the preparation of the plates in London, I regret that
an orthographical error has been allowed to pass in the naming of this plate.
I found this bird in the low shrubby jungle near Momien, at 4,500 feet, and
always in large flocks, some thirty or forty together, which made short, rapid and
low flights from bush to bush, uttering a sharp and constantly repeated chirp.
Genus C h a t a r r h e a , Blyth.
128. C h a t a r r h e a g u l a r i s , Blyth. Plate XLVIII.
Chatacrhaa gularis, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. xxiv, p. 478, 1855; Blanf., Ibis, 1870,
p. 460; Hume, Stray Feathers, 1875, p. 124.
Malacocercus gularis, Gray, Handl. B., vol. i, p. 279, 1869.
Crateropus gularis, Blanf., Ibis, 1874, p. 7 6 ; id., Stray Feathers, 1874, p. 829; Blyth, Joum. As.
Soc., Bengal, vol. xliv, 1875, ex. No., p. 117.
1 b. S Mandalay, 26th September 1868.
c.d. 6 Mandalay, 24th and 26th September 1868.
e. Yaylaymaw, 6th January 1875.
b. 2 Bhamd, 6th February 1868.
f ., ? Ava, 4th October 1868.
This species is common at Bhamd among the long tall rank grass of the swamps
behind the town. I t is also abundant in similar localities to the east of Mandalay.
Genus M e g a l u r u s , Horsfield.
1 2 9 . M e g a l u r u s p a l u s t r i s .
Megalurus palustris, Horsf., Tr. Linn. Soc., vol. xiii, p. 159, 1820; Gray, Gen. B., vol. i, p. 169,
1845 ; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus., As. Soc., Bengal, p. 189, 1849; Bonap. Consp., t. i, p. 279, 1850;
Cab., Mus. Hein., th. i, p. 45, 1850; Horsf. & Moore, Cat. B. Mus., As. Soc., Bengal, vol. i,
p. 830, 1854; Jerdon, B. Ind., vol. ii, p. 70, 1863; Blyth, Ibis, 1865, p. 80; Gray, Handl.
B., i, p. 206, 1869; Blanf., Ibis, 1869, p. 467; Hume, Nests and Eggs, Ind. B., i, p. 276,
1873; Hume, Stray Feathers, 1874, p. 476, 1875, p. 124; Walden, Tr. Zool. Soc., ix, p. 189,
1875; Blyth & Walden, Journ. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. xliv, 1875, ex. No., p. 118; Ball, Stray
Feathers, 1876, p. 288; Godwin-Austen, Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. xlv, 1876, p. 78; Oates,
Stray Feathers, 1877, p. 156.
Malwrus marginalis, Temm., PI. Col., tom. iii, pi. Ixv, fig. 2, 1823 (ex Review, MS) ; Kittl., Yoy.
Lütke (Postels), Bd. iii, p. 826.
a. b. c. d. t ¥ Bhamd, 28rd and 24th February 1868.
e. 5 Tsitkaw, 6th February 1875.
Common throughout Upper Burma.