folds. The intestine preserves the character of the true Batagurs, such as B.
lineata, B. duvaucelli, and B. basket, in having a simple sigmoid turn after the transverse
colon. The cæcum also is rudimentary, as in the foregoing species, and not so
developed as in B. (Kardella) thurgi. The large intestine, in the largest male,
measured from its lower internal end to its junction with the small intestine, 2 feet
4"-75 ; and the small intestine, with its walls much contracted on themselves, was
5 feet 2"-75. The cloaca! bladders are well developed, also the allantoic bladder
itself. I t has large inguinal glands.
The liver has the general characters of this organ in Batagur (Morenia)
There are no osteological features to entitle this animal to be separated genetically
from B. lineata or B . duvaucelli, nor is there anything in its soft anatomy
to justify such a sub-division of the species.
I t occurs throughout the Irawady, from the estuary streams up to Bhamô,
where it is not uncommon. Theobald records it from the Moulmein river and the
Salween. I t does not occur in Bengal, as far as I am aware, where it is represented
by B. duvaucelli.
B a t a g u r ir a v a d ic a , n. s. Pis. LXIY, LXV, LXYIII, & LXIX.
Batagur trivittata, Theobald, Joum. Linn. Soc., vol. x, 1868, p. 14 ( ? only) ; Journ. As. Soc.,
Bengal, ex. No., vol. xxxvii, 1868, p. 13 ( ? only).
Kachuga trilineata, Theobald, apud Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1869, p. 200 (skull, fig. 18) j Gray,
•Suppl. Cat. Shd. Rept., 1870, p. 54, pars. fig. 19 (not Nepal specimen) ; id., App. Cat. Shd.
Rept., 1873, p. 18,pars, j Theobald, Proc. Zool. Soc., Lond., 1870, p. 676.
EaeJmga fusca, Gray,pars. Suppl. Cat. Sh. Rept.,’1870, p. 56.
Batagur trivittata, Theobald, Descr. Cat. Rept., B. Ind., 1876, p. 21 ( 9 only).
Adult ? . The shell anteriorly is less full than in old males of B. trivittata,
and not so roundedly arched from side to side, and it is more downwardly arched
anteriorly. The vertebral ridge is feebly marked. The posterior portion of the
shell is expanded, and the marginals about the 7th, 8th, and 9th slightly reverted.
The lateral ridge on the plastron is not persistent in the adult.
The nuchal is large and triangular, with its base placed posteriorly. The vertebral
shields have much the same form and arrangement as in B. lineata and B .. trivittata,
but the three first vertebral plates in adult females are not so broadj as
in the males of the latter species, and their lateral margins are more convex,
but in other respects these plates and those that follow much resemble the corresponding
plates of the males of B . trivittata. There are, however, certain differences
between the two which would seem to be persistent in the adults. In the adult
male of B. trivittata the lateral margins of the first vertebral are nearly straight,
whereas in adult females of B. i/ravadica the lateral margins are markedly concave
towards the mesial line, and the same holds good of the second vertebral, which in
fhis respect differs from the nearly straight-sided corresponding shield of the B.
trivittata. The anterior section of the plastron is not so broad as in the males of
B. trivittata, and its sides are straighter, but the'form of the plates is much the'
same in both species;
The adult female is dark uniform brown above and below, with no black bands
on the hack, as in B. trwittata, but the brown on the under surface is made up as
it were of dark rods of colour; lying closely side by side on a brown back-ground,
and.radiatmg more or less from the position of the areolae of the plates. In the
adolescent (PI krixj, the plastron is almost wholly yellow, only a faint brown
radiation presenting itself from the areolai of the gulars, postgulars and pectorals:
The head is olive, also the internal surface of the limbs and the tad. The
homy sheaths of the jaws are yellowish and the under surface of the neck; .the'
greater part of the upper surface of the neck being brownish.' The iris is brown
and the daws yellow. The plates on the limbs are distributed much in the same
way as in other species of Batagwr.
The largest female measured is No. 1 of the following table
Length o f carapace in straight line
... „ . of plastron „ „
Axillary breadth of plastron .
Inguinal , „ . _ . „ .
Greatest depth of shell .
» breadth of shell over curve
Length of caudal vertebrae
17-20 8-10‘ 7-15
15-90 7-40 6-36
6-60 2-80 2-65
6-75 3*20 2-63<
7-90 3-50 3-40
15-70 8-52 7-50
5-60 o-oo 000
Juv. 9 Shell oval highly arched, denticulated posteriorly, and costáis rather flat.
Dorsal ridge well devdoped from the first vertebral fó the caudals, least marked
on the first vertebral: Margináis expanded, not reverted. Nuchal broad posteriorly,
anteriorly pointed, large and triangular. Pond of the vertebráis much as in B. triiit-
tote, blit the fourth vertebral shorter. The lateral margins of the first vertebral
are first strongly convergent for a short way from the marginals, and then divergent,'
tto anterior margin slightly convex and the posterior margin concave, the length
of the shield being slightly exceeded by its breadth. The second vertebral’has
its lateral margins slightly concave behind! its articulation with the first costal
I t is broader than long, audits anterior border is convex, and its posterior border
concave. The third shield is hexagonal, thé sutures with the second and third cos-
tals being somewhat sinuous, but of equal length. The anterior border is slightly
concave and the posterior border convex. This shield is nearly twice as broad as’
long. The fourth vertebral is an elongated hexagon, its greatest breadth is between
the third and fourth costal sutures, and the shield is nearly as broad as long. This
plate has much the same form as in B. lineata, and its third’ costal suthre is the
longest. The fifth has the general form of this shield in Batagw. The vertebral
ndge rises into a kind of nodosity at the posterior margins of the second, third and
fourth vertebráis. The anterior portion of thé plastron is rather rounded; broader
than the post-mguinal portion. Thé lkteral ridge is confined to the posterior portion
of the pectorals and abdominals. Anal notch feeble, open ; gulars triangular, a little