behind, but in others it is of equal width at both ends. In the former case, the first
costal margin is convex and the second sinuous or concave. The posterior margin
is usually notched. The third shield resembles the second, but is usually a little
shorter and broader. Both these shields, however, are subject to elongation. The
fourth is almost invariably considerably broader than long, with the same costal
margins as in the third, with its posterior margin equalling the third costal margin.
The fifth is contracted near its anterior extremity, and the breadth of its anterior
margin almost equals one-half of its length. I t is generally in contact with a
caudal and marginal, but sometimes with two of the latter.-
The sternum of the female is quite flat, but that of the male is very slightly
concave. The inguinal exceeds the sternal breadth in both sexes. In the young,
there is a slight lateral ridge, formed chiefly by the areolae disappearing with age.
The gulars are abruptly terminated, their anterior breadth nearly equalling the
united length of the gulars and postgulars, these plates being of almost equal length,
the gulars sometimes being the longest. The pectorals and abdominals are of equal
length, their sutures having a backward direction, which is most marked in adults,
especially in the abdominals. The pre-anals and anals are of equal length, the
pre-ano-abdominal suture being concave from before backwards and the pre-ano-anal
convex from behind forwards. The anal notch is widely triangular in adults, and
deeply arched in young specimens.
Measurements o f shells.
§ / 6 ■' 9 2 5~ , 5 - 9' .
Length of carapace (callipers) . . . .
Greatest breadth over hack.......................................
Length of sternum . . . . ■ .
Breadth at axilhe . . . .
Breadth at inguinal notch . . . . .
Depth through third vertebral . . . .
‘ 7-90
41 0
5 1 0
5-60 -210
3 0 0
The snout is moderately long, triangular above, and rather pointed, the breadth
between the anterior angles of the eyes exceeding its length. The breadth at the
angle of the jaws, below the tympanum, equals the distance from the tip of the
snout to the posterior margin of the tympanum. The breadth between the posterior
angles of the eyes is a little in excess of the distance from the tip of the snout to
the posterior canthus of the eye, measured along the side of the face. The height of
the muzzle, measured from the bottom of the premaxillary notch to its upper border,
equals the interval between its tip and the anterior angle of the eye. The maxillary
plate is acutely notched in front with a well-marked denticulation on either side of
i t ; the maxillary margin is curved and not serrated. The sides of the face are nearly
vertical, and the eye is moderately large and about the size of the tympanum. The
upper surface of the head is covered with a smooth skin, but there are a few small
plates behind the eye and above the tympanum, and a granular area between the
eye and the angle of the mouth and the tympanum, the latter being covered with
smooth skin. The skin of the neck is granular, and there are a few whitish papillae
on the mental region and about the orifices of the chin glands. The scales on the
lower half of the leg are arranged the same as in Indian examples, but they are
narrower and more transverse and not quite so numerous. Those along the inner
margin of the limb are also considerably longer than in the Indian form, the scales
not gradually but suddenly decreasing as they reach that border. The upper surface
of the foot of the female is also more covered by smaller scales than in specimens
from the Madras Coast. The toes are short and broad and nearly fully webbed, and
they are covered above with four large transverse scales. A row of seven large scales
along the outer margin of the limb and a transverse row of four very large scales on
the posterior aspect about the carpal joint with an imperfect smaller row above it, as
in the Madras form. Occasionally, a series of enlarged scales on the knee. Eive
large scales along the inner border of the tibia. Upper surface of hind leg granular,
with smaller and more numerous granules than in the Indian form. A series of
enlarged scales over the 5th toe and four enlarged scales over each of the other
toes. A few enlarged scales on the inner margin of the heel, and the Sole covered
With moderately sized flat scales. A small plate at the base of each claw on the fore
and hind feet. Claws 5, 4, moderately long and curved. Tail of male longer than
that of female, covered below, behind the vent, with a double row of sma.ll scales.
The rest of the skin above and below granular, the granules above generally capped
by minute black homy spinel, the others usually terminating in white papillse.
The colour of the adult shell is deep black, darker than in the Madras form, with
a yellowish-horny narrow interrupted line along the margin of the sternum, but in
the young the shell has a brownish tinge on the dorsal ridges and along the
outer margins of the costals, with a rather better-defined yellow margin to the
sternum, and with a few dull yellowish patches on the under surface of the pre-
axillary and post-inguinal marginals.
The head of the male above is nearly uniform brown, darkest on the upper
surface over the nose, and is destitute of any markings. The horny plates of the
jaws in the male are leaden-grey, with a vertical black streak between the notch
and the nostrils, which are in a black area; the margin of the jaw is blackish, and
there is an obscure pale elongated spot on the side of the mandible, below the
anterior angle of the eye. In some females, the upper surface of the head is
reticulated with olive-brown and orange-yellow. The tip of the nose is deep
blackish-brown, and behind this, to the commencement of the parieto-occipital
crest the middle is occupied with much finer and more obscure reticulations than
those above the eye and on the temporal region. The maxillary and mandibular
plates are reticulated with pale greenish-horny and orange-yellow, and the former
has the dark vertical premaxillary streak of the male, and the dark lower margins.
An orange spot on the mandible below the angle of the mouth, leading interruptedly
to the tympanum. The skin of the neck is grey; the fine granular scales of the
upper surface black, those of the under surface being the same colour as the skin.