La Perrucke a, collier rose, Levaill., Perr., pis. xxii, xxiii, 1805.
Psittacus torquatus, Bodd., Tabl. PI. Enl., p. 82, 1788; Kuhl., Consp. Psitt., p. 30, 1820.
Psittacus manillensis, Bechst., Stubenvog, p. 612; Hahn., Orn. Atl. Papag., pi. vi, 1884.
Psittacus frenatus, Licht., Doubl. Cat., p. 6,1823.
Paleeornis torquatus, Vigors, Zool. Joum., vol. ii, p. 50, 1825 ; Sykes, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1882, p. 96 ;
Jerdon, Madr. Joum., vol.xi, 1840, p. 207; Blyth, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xii, p. 90, 1843;
Hodgson, in Gray's Zool. Misc., 1844, p. 85; Gray, Gen. B., vol. ii, p. 409, 1846; Gray,
Cat. B. Nep. Hodgs. Coll., p. 113, 1846; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus., As. Soc., Bengal, p. 4, 1849;
Kelaart, Prodr. Faun. Ceylon, p. 127, 1852; Layard, Ann. Nat. Hist., vol. xiii, p. 262,
1854; Burgess, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1854, p. 256; Horsfield & Moore, Cat. B. E. I. Co.,
vol. ii, p. 611, 1856; Philipps, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1857, p. 99; Adams., Proc. Zool. Soc.,
1859, p. 178; Gray, List P sitt., p. 19, 1859; Jerdon-, B. Ind., vol. i, p. 257, 1862; Blyth,
Ibis, 1868, p. 2 ; Schlegel, Mus. P.-B. Psitt., p. 80, 1864; Beavan, Ibis, 1865, p. 404; Finsch,
Papag., Bd. ii, p. 17, 1868; Gray, Handl. B., vol. ii, p. 142, 1870; Godwin-Austen,
Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. xxxix, p. 266, 1870; Hume, Stray Feathers, 1878, p. 170;
Hutton, t. c., p. 838; Adam., t. c., p. 372; Hume, op. cit., 1874, p. 18; id., t. c., pp. 177,
470; Ball, t. c., p. 389; Hume, t. g g p. 470; id., op. cit., 1875, p. 56; id., Nests and Eggs,
Ind. B., p. 116, 1875; Blyth & Walden, Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. xliv, extra No., 1875,
pi 55.
Connrus torquatus, Less., Tr. d'Orn., p.-215,1881.
Paleeornis inornatus, Vigors, Zool. Joum., vol. v, p. 274, 1882.
Paleeornis liiorquaius, Blyth, Cat. B. Mus., As. Soc., Bengal, p. 4, 1849.
Paleeornis layardi, Blyth, I.e., p. 341, 1849; Gray, List Psitt., p. 19, 1859.
a. b. 4 ? Mandalay, Upper Burma, 20th September 1868.
c. ? Mengoon, ,, ,, 14th January =r,
d. 4 YaylaymaW, „ ,, 5th January 1875.
3. P a l æ o r n is c y a n o c e ph a l tjs , Linn-.
La Perruche à tète bleue, Briss. Om., t. iv, p. 859, pl. 'xix, fig. 2, 1760.
Psittacus cyanocephalus, Linn., Syst. Nat., t. i, p. 141, 1766, (ex Briss.)
Paleeornis rosa, Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1863, p. 259, et 1871, p. 891.
Paleeornis bengalensis, Hums, Stray Feathers, 1874, p. 16; id., 1875, p. 57 ; Blyth & Walden,
Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. xliv, extra No., 1875, p. 55.
paleeornis cyaiiocephalus, Gould, Birds of Asia, pt. Xxvi, 1st August 1874.
a. b. ? Thingadaw, 16th January 1868.
c. 4 Bhamô, 16th January 1868.
d. e. 4 4 juv. Momieu, Yunnan, 1st and 10th July 1868.
4. P a l js o r n is m e l a n o r h y n c h t js , Wagler.
Paleeornis melanorhynchus, Wagl., Mon. Psitt., p. 511-, 1882; Gray, Gen. B., vol. ii, p. 410, 1846 ;
Licht., Nomencl. Av., p. 72,1854; Gray, List Psitt. B. M., 1859, p. 24; Finsch, Parrots, Bd. ii,
p. 70, 1868; Gray, Handl. B., vol. ii, p. 143, 1870; Blyth & Walden, Joum. As. Soc.,
Bengal, vol. xliv, extra No., 1875, p. 57.
paleeornis nigrirostris, Hodgson, in Gray’s Zool. Misc., p. 85, 1844.
Paleeornis derbianus, Fraser, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1850, p. 245, pi. xxv; Gould, B. Asia, pt. x, 1858.;
Gray, List Psitt.:, 1859, p. 25.
Belurus melanorhynchus, Bonap., Kev. Zool., 1854, p. 158.
Paleeornis vibrisca, Schlegel; Mus. P.-B. Psitt., p. 85, 1864.
Paleeornispondicerianus, Brehm, Thierleb., p. 70, 1865.
a. b. $ ? Pudeepyoo, Upper Burma, 1st January 1875.
These birds were shot on the same day, and the male had a red and the female
a black bill. Tbe latter bad also a slight shade oi blue on the head.
F am ily— FALCONIHÆ.
Genus F a l o o , Linn.
5 . F a l c o su b btjteo , Linn.
The Hobby, A lb in , N a t . H i s t . B ird s , v o l. i , p . 6 , p i. v i , 1 7 3 8 .'
Le Hobreau, B riss. O m ., t . i , p . 8 7 5 , 1 7 6 0 .
F a lc o subbuteo, Linn., Syst. Nat., t. | p. 127, 1766 ; Temm., Man. d'Om., t. i, p. 25, 1820;
Naum., Vog. Deutschl., Bd. i, p. 206, pi. xxvi, 1822; Werner, Atlas Ois. d’Eur. Bapaees,
pi, ix, 1827 ; Gould, B. Eur., vol. i, pi. xxii, 1837 ; Yarr., Hist. B. Birds, vol. i, p. 40,
1843 ; Schlegel, u. Susem, Vôg. Eur., taf. x, fig. 1, 1845 ; Kjærb., Om. Dan. Afb., Bd. iii,
fig. 1, 1851 ; Schlegel, Vog. Nederl., pi. viii,1854 ; Strickland, Orn, Syn., p. 85,-1855 ;
Hewits., Eggs, B. Birds, vol. i, p. 26, pi. ix, fig. 1, 1856 ; Fritsch, Vog, Eur., tab. iii,
figs. 1, 2, 1858; Badde, Reise Sibir., Bd. ii, p. 100, 1868 ; Blyth, Ibis, 1863, p. 9 ; Moore,
Ibis 1865, p. 9 ; Gould, Birds of Great Britain, pt. viii, 1865 ; Farman> Ibis, 1868, p. 412 ;
Sundev., Sv. Fogl., p. 215, pi. xxvi, fig. 4, 1869 ; Heugl., Orn. N. O.—Af., p. 33, 1869 ;
Salvad,, Faun. Ital. Ucc., p. 20, 1871; Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1871, p. 340; Saunders,
Ibis, 1871, p. 59; Sharpe & Dresser, B. Eur., pt. iv, 1871; Godman, Ibis, 1871, p. 165;
Schlegel, Rev. Accipitr., p. 88, 1873; Sharpe, Cat. B., vol. i, p. 895, 1874; Layard, B. S.
Afr. ; David, Joum. de Voy. en Chine, t. ii, 1875, p. 39.
Fàlco barletta, D a u d . T r a i té d ’O rn ., t . ii , p . 1 2 9 , 1 8 0 0 .
Hypotriorchis subbuteo, B o ie , I s is , 1 8 2 6 , p . 9 7 6 ; G r a y , G e n . B ., v ol. i , p . 2 0 , 1 8 4 4 ; K a u p ., Ç o n tr .
O m .; 1 8 5 2 , p . 5 4 ; B o n ap . C o n sp ., t . i, p . 2 5 , 1 8 5 0 ; J e rd o n , B ird s o f I n d ia , v o l. i , p . 3 3 , 1 8 6 2 ;
T r i s t r ., I b i s , 1 8 6 5 , p . 2 5 8 ; D e g l. & G e rb e , O rn . E u r ., B d . i , p . 8 5 , 1 8 6 7 ; L a y a rd , B .
S o u th A fric a , p . 2 1 , 1 8 6 7 ; H um e , R o u g h N o te s , p t . i , p . 8 5 , 1 8 6 9 ; G r a y , H a n d l. B ., v ol. i ,
p . 2 0 , 1 8 6 9 ; G u rn e y in A n d e rs s . B . D am . L d ., p . 1 4 , 1 8 7 2 .
Falco hirundinum, B re hm , V o g . D e u ts c h ., p . 6 5 , 1 8 3 1 .
Hendrofalco subbuteo, G r a y , L i s t G e n . B ., p . 8 , 1 8 4 0 .
JDendrofalco hirundinum, B re hm , N a u m ., 1 8 5 5 , p . 2 6 9 .
Hendrofalco arboreras, B r e hm , u t su p ra .
Hypotriorchis cuvieri, G r a y , H a n d l. B ., v ol. i , p . 2 0 , 1 8 6 9 .
a. M om ien , Y u n n a n , J u n e 1 8 6 8 .
I obtained one young specimen at Momien and kept it alive for several months.
The feathers of the back in the young are deep brown, and nearly all are edged
with a rusty margin. The central tail feathers are uniform slaty with rufous tips,
and the others are barred with rufous on the inner webs, and all, with the exception
of the external feathers, have a fragmentary bar on the outer webs. The under
surface, from the chin to the vent, including the tail-coverts, has a rufous tinge, and