The skull of S. melalophus, like others of the Semnopitheci, is characterised by a
slight swelling or nodosity of the nasal processes or internal orbital angles of the
frontals. This feature is most developed in an adult female skull before me,
and to such an extent compared with an adult male that had not the skulls
been removed under my direct supervision from the two individuals which yielded
them, I would have been puzzled to regard them as belonging to one and the
same species. But the external characters of these two animals were identical,
both belonging to the variety named S. sumatranus var. aurctta, Miiller and
Schlegel. The occipital regions of these skulls are also remarkably unlike, as
in the female it is very much produced backwards and downwardly directed, while
in the male it is much more vertical, thus considerably reducing the length of the
The frontal region is broad and the orbits large and obliquely oval.'N;.
Length of body (female) to root of tail . , . . . . 1 6
|§ of tail . . , . • • • • • . 2 8
S e m n o p i t h e c u s m i t r a t u s , Eschscholtz.
Presbytia mitrata, Eschscholtz, Kozebue Reise Sud See und Berings-Strasse, 1821, p. 196, plate,
(figs. 1 and 2, skull), (fig. 8, hand) ; Lesson, Man. de Mamm. 1827, p. 44.
Semnopithecus comatus, Desmarest, Mamm. Suppl. 1822, p. 588 ; F. Cuv. Hist. Nat. des Mammif
1825, March, pi. xiii. ; Desmoulins, Diet. Class. d'Hist. Nat. vol. vii. 1'825, p. 569 ; Lesson, Man.
de Mamm. 1827, p. 41 ; Temminck, Monogr. de Mamm. vol. i. 1827, p. 14. ; Desmarest, Diet,
de Sc. Nat. vol. xlviii. 1827, p. 488 ; Griffith, An. King. vol. v. 1827, p. 10 ; G. Cuv. Règ. An.
(nouv. éd.) 1829, vol. i. p. 94 (in part) ; Fischer, Syn. Mamm. 1829, p. 16 (exclusive of S.fasci-
eularis, Raffles) ; Is. Geoff. St.-Hil. Zool. Yoy. de Bélanger, 1884, p. 40 ; "Wagner, Schreber,
Sàugeth. Suppl. vol. i. 1840, p. 87, pi. xxiv. A; Lesson, Sp. des Mammif. 1840, p. 61;
Martin, Nat. Hist. Quadr. 1841, p. 468 ; Schinz, Syn. Mamm. vol. i. 1844, p. 88 ; Gervais,
Hist. Nat. des Mammif. 1854, p. 68 ; Wagner, Schreber, Saugeth. Suppl. voL v. 1855, p. 24 ;
Beyrich, Abhandl. der Berl. Akad. der Wiss. 1860, p. 7.
Semnopithecus fulvogriseus, Desmoulins, Diet. Class. d'Hist. Nat. vol. vii. (1825), 570 (in part,
skeleton) ; Fischer, Syn. M amm. 1829, p. 15 ; Is. Geoff. St.-Hil. Zool. du Voy. de Bélanger,
1834, p. 86; Martin, Charlesworth's Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. ii. new ser. 1888, p. 489.
Presbytia mitrula, Griffith, An. King. vol. v. 1827, p. 7.
Semnopithecus fascicular is, Owen, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883, p. 75.
Semnopithecus mitratus, Schlegel, Essai sur la Physion. des Serpens, Pt. Gén. 1887, p. 287 ; Miiller
und Schlegel, Verhandl. 1889-44, pp. 60, 65, pi. xii. fig. 2 (juv.), pi. xii. bis fig. 1 ; Is.
Geoff. St.-Hil. Cat. Méthod des Mammif. 1851, p. 16 ; Horsfield, Cat. Mamm. E. Ind. Co.
Mus. 1851, p. 15 ; Dahlbom, Stud. Zool. Fam. Reg. An. 1856, pp. 88, 90 ; Mivart, Proc.
Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 626 ; Gray, Cat. Monkeys and Lemurs, B. M. 1870, p, 16.
Presbytis mitratus, Blainville, Osteo. des Mammif. vol. i. 1839-64, p. 28.
General colour dark greyish, darker on the back and the external surface of
the limbs, but paler on the feet, on which a few reddish hairs are sometimes intermixed.
The flanks, the under parts, and inside of limbs are yellowish or sullied
white. The upper surface of the tail dark greyish and its extremity occasionally
paling to grey, and tufted. These colours of the upper and under parts are clearly
marked. A well-defined, vertically compressed crest on the vertex, expanding on the
occiput, where the hairs are shorter. On the forehead the hairs tend to radiate from
a. centre outwards and forwards and project considerably over the eyes. The hair of
the crest and upper parts of the head is blackish, but on the front of the crest it is
darker. The face is sparsely covered with fine hairs, which are whitish on the lips,
black on the cheeks, and grey on the nose. The whitish hair of the chin and throat
is rather sparse, but the hair on the back and flanxs is rather long, Ears and face
sooty black ; lips somewhat flesh-coloured.
The young during the first few weeks is covered with rather woolly hair, which
is light grey, tipped with white, on the head, back, and upper surface of the tail. On
the remaining parts of the body, and on the forehead, cheeks, and chin, it is greyish
white. The face is dark leaden.
" Ft, In.
Length of body to root of tail (adult female) . . . . . 1 8-75
„ of tail without h a i r ..............................................................2 4-25
Habitat.—Java. The S. comatus, Desmarest, having by mistake been assigned
to Sumatra.
The skull of this species is closely allied to that of S. siamensis, so much so that
Müller and Schlegel state that the two are perfectly similar, and since they wrote
Is. Geoffroy has pointed out that this species is always distinguished by only four
tubercles on the last inferior molar. The Dutch naturalists were of the opinion
that S. siamensis was only a climatic and continental race of this species, and this
view of tbeir affinity is further strengthened by Mivart’s observation that the same
tooth in S. nigrimanus and S. cinereus, which are in no way separable from S. stamen-
sis,—a statement which I make after a careful examination of these types and of
the specimen on which Mivart’s observation rests,—are also distinguished by the presence
of only four tubercles on the last inferior molar. There are, however, two
striking features of S. siamensis, viz., the white area around the eyes and the white
mouth which are almost absent in S. mitratus, the colours of the fur of which are
also not those of S. mitratus. The proof of their identity being as yet not satisfactorily
established, I have therefore indicated the two as distinct species.
S e m n o p i t h e c u s s i a m e n s i s , Miiller & Schlegel.
Semnopithecus siamensis, Müller und Schlegel, Verhandl. 1841, p. 60 ; Schinz. Syn. Mamm. vol. i.
1844, p. 40 ; Is. Geoff. St.-Hil. Cat. Méth. des. Mammif. 1851, p. 16; Gervais, Hist. Nat. des
Mam m if. 1854, p. 63 ; Wagner, Schreber, Säugeth, Suppl. vol. v. 1855, p. 25 ; Dahlbom, Stud.
Zool. Fam. Reg. An. 1856, pp. 88 and 90; Gray, Cat. Monkeys and Lemurs, B. M. 1870,
p. 16 ; Blyth, Joum. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xliv. 1875, ex. no. p. 9.
Semnopithecus albocinereus, Blyth, Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xii, 1843, p. 175; vol. xvi (1847),
p. 738 ; Cat. Mam. As. Soc. Mus. 1868, p. 15 ; Cantor, Joum. As. Soc. Beng. vol. xv., 1846,
p. 174; Wagner, Schreber, Säugeth. Suppl. vol. v., 1855, p. 29,