By J. WOOD-MASON, F. Z. S., &c,
Genus T e l p h u s a , L a t r .
T e l p h u s a e d w a r d s i , J. W.-Mason.
Telphusa edwardsii, J . Wood-Mason, Joum. As. Soc., Bengal, vol. xl, pt. ii, 1871, p. 449, pi. xxvii.
Carapace sparingly hirsute above, more thickly so on the pleural region, broadest
along a line dividing the anterior from the middle third of the meso-gastric region*
on each side of which the surface is raised into an oval areolet bounded in front by
the proto-gastric, behind and laterally by the branchial lobe, which in part bounds it
in front; uro-gastric lobes distinct from the rest of the regions and from one another,
post-frontal ridge sinuous, coarsely wrinkled, ending about 2 mm. short of the
epibranchial teeth, slightly interrupted by the forward position of the epi-gastric
lobes; these are rugose in front, deeply divided mesially and completely isolated
from the conterminous regions of the carapace by well-defined grooves; meso-gastric
area distinct, sending forwards a narrow tongue between the proto- and epi-gastric
lobes; branchial areas divided into anterior and posterior portions by broad smooth
deep oblique depressions; the latter being scarcely distinct from the cardiac division;
the epibranchial teeth are continued backwards, outwards, and inwards as
raised denticulated crests, along the inner side of which runs a smooth furrow continuous
with the post-orbital furrow; postero-laterai margins rugose behind the termination
of the lateral crests, the rugosities being continued downwards and forwards
on to the inflected portion of the carapace; orbits and extra-orbital teeth finely