The Bengali Water Rail.
Numb. xc,
T HIS Bird was about the bigneis of our Englifh Wa~
ter-R ail; its Bill was long and of a-yellow Colour;
the Eyes were encompafled with a Circle of white
ending in a Point on the back part of the Head; the Irides
yellow, the top of the Head white, the fides of the Face,
and whole Neck of a dark brown; part o f the Back, the
Breaft, Belly and Thighs white, the top of the Back, and
the Wings green, except,the firft three or four Quill-Feathers
which were purple, with five large orange coloured Spots in
each Feather ; the laft Quill-Feather next the Body is white,
the Tail ihort, made up of twelve Feathers coloured and
fpotted like thofe in the Wings; the Legs were bare above
Knee, of a pale yellow Colour inclining to green, as was
alfo the Feet, the Claws black. The Draught of this
Bird I had of Mr. Dandridge, it was fent him from Bengali
in the Eajl-lndies.