iThe Baniahbow from Bengali.
Numb. X IX .
TH IS Bird was iomething bigger than the M ijfel Bird\
its Bill thick, towards the bafe of a yellow Colour,
ending in a lharp Point; the Noftrils large, the Irides of
the Eyes of a beautiful yellow Colour, the Pupil black;
the Head, Back, and Wings of a light brown ; the exterior
Edges of the covert and Quill-Feathers white; the
Breaft, Belly, and Thighs more dilute; the Tail was made
up o f twelve Feathers, of a duiky Colour; the Legs and
Feet yellow; it was brought from Bengali in the Year 1 734,
and is now in the Pofleflion of Mr. Dandridge, who was
pleafed to give me the liberty of drawing it.
W&j 'iiJ?j4. 4 uca£Maetimt, a. ,yjy.