The Bengali Redjlart.
Numb."U,i l v i .
IT was fomething bigger than the Redjlart; thè Bill of
a dark aih Colour; the Irides of the Eyes white; the
top of the Head from the Bill to the hinder part black;
from under the Eyes grows a Tuft of fcàrlet Feathers, the
bottom of which is iurrounded with white, the back part
and bottom of the white with black, then fucceeds four Semi
circles o f black, growing left by degrees, and parts the
brown and white on the fide of the Neck; the hind part
o f the Neck, the Back and Wings are brown; the Breaft,
Belly and Thighs white, under the Vent red; the Tail
was made up of twelve pale duiky Feathers.
The Legs and Feet are black; this Bird was brought
from Bengali in the Year 1734, without any Name being
affixt to it; it feems to be o f the Infe&iferous Tribe by its
Bill, for which reafon, and its red Colours, I ihall beg
leave to call it by the Name of the Bengali Redjlart. It is
now in the Poifeffion of Mr. Dandridgei who was pleafed
to lend it me.* I